Thursday, October 3, 2013

Workout log October 3rd 2013

Wendler Deadlift cycle 1 week 1
Deadlift warm up sets, 275x5, 315x5, 356x5 I missed the 6th rep

Deadlift 5x10 at 210 with 1 min rest. that was easy except for the conditionning aspect of it. I was breathing really hard at the end

October 1
Wendler Bench cycle 1 week 1
Bench warm up sets; 170x5, 196x5, 222.5 x4 failed the fifth rep due to a bad movement on the third rep that took out some wind out of me

Walking lunges step
thruster 95
knee 2 elbow

took me around 30min:30s
After that workout I was destroyed but went ahead and tried to complete

Bench 5x10 at 130 with 1 min rest. I failed on set 4 and 5 around rep 7,8. Had to rerack take a few second and complete the reps. Doing the 10' rep after the conditionning was not a good idea

Monday, September 30, 2013

Workout log September 30, 2013

Wendler cycle 1 week 1 squat / Weighted Pull up
I am back on my Wendler/Crossfit hybrid after a devastating (for my body) Smolov Jr for squat. I took last week as a deload week and I am back at it this week. The heavy squat volume was hard on my right knee who started swelling again. Lot's of ice and streching last week and it's feeling better now.

warm up sets, 272x5, 315x5, 356x4+1
I don't know what happened I felt weak after the fourth rep, I had to re-rack for 5 sec and complete the fifth rep. I might have started too heavy on the squat cycle. I felt it was a low volume today

weighted pull up.
I did a major reset on that one
warm up sets, bwx5, bw+25x5, bw+55x7

finished with
squat 5x10 at 210 with 1 min rest. Reps where easy but the problem was mainly with my conditionning. I was breathing really hard after the second set.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Workout log September 23, 2013

Deload week 
Wanted to just do main page wod this morning but couldn't finish it. I couldn't beleive

it was
50 Overhead squat 45#
100 situp
25 overhead squat 115#
50 knee to elbow
10 overhead squat 185#
20 GHD

I couldn't perform a single rep at 185, My legs where just giving up on me. I normally have no problem with OHS 185. Usually my core is the weak element in my OHS but today the legs where the problem. They couldn't stay stable enough to maintain the rest. I had to forget about the 10 last OHS rep and I completed the 20 GHD.

After that workout, when I climbed up the stair to take my shake my wife told me I was white. I was feeling dizzy and weak. I really have to take it easy this week if I want to recover and continue with my previous program

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Workout log September 21, 2013

Smolov Jr Squat week 3 day 4
Cycle is Finally over. It took me around 55 min to complete all the rep this morning. Training is not fun anymore and I don't have anything left in the tank to do other exercises

10x3 at 365 Squat

then finished with

30 rep of clean and jerk 155 in 8:34

Next week I deload and I will start a Smolov Jr for the press. Upper body has always been much less taxing so I should be able to handle it better. After that I am back to my old program

Friday, September 20, 2013

Workout log September 20, 2013

Smolov Jr Squat week 3 day 3
This is not funny anymore, working out is becoming a burden. I am falling asleep around nine and I am starting to struggle finding energy for other stuff in life. Everytime I go under the bar I wonder if my legs still have enough to complete the reps. My legs are actually feeling weaker than ever. On any effort like running I feel that they can't follow anymore

squat 8x4 at 345 but I took around 5+ min  between each set to make sure I wasn't going to be dizzy. Still I almost missed the last rep

tried to do wendler 5-3-1 on press but again couldn't even complete the second heavy set

can't wait for all this to be over tomorrow. I am switching back to my old program after a week of deload

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Workout log September 18, 2013

Smolov Jr Squat week 3 day 2
I am completly run down by this program. I have muscle knots all over and I am starting to feel really tire. I am having a harder to complete all the prescribed reps. Two workout left and the nightmare is over. Time to eat and rest

Squat 7x5 at 325

finished with
4 round
20 lunges with 45 barbell overhead
21 burpee

in 14:40

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Workout log September 17, 2013

Wendler 5 3 1 Bench press week 3
Bench 105x5, 125x5, 155x3, 192.5x5, 218x3, 242.5x1

The single was an easy lift

Weighted pu
2xbw, 3xbw, 3xbw, bw+50x5, bw+80x3, bw+112.5x0.5 

I couldn't complete the single at bw + 112.5

Monday, September 16, 2013

Workout log September 16, 2013

Smolov Jr Week 3 Squat day 1

After Saturday workout, I decided to ease thing a little and only added 5# this week

6x6 at 305 last set was hard and I started to get dizzy

The main problem seems to be the recovery. Legs and core are fried. The lift don't feel particularly heavy but the body doesn't seem to have the juice to complete the sets. Body is solid, but I start to get dizzy and have a hard time maintaining proper form and completing the sets.

I did
25 deadlift 110
25 box jump 24"
25 Kb swing 1.5 pood
25 knee to elbow
25 sit up
25 pull up
25 thruster 55#
25 burpee
25 double under

in around 15 minutes

Saturday September 14, 2013 Smolov Jr Week 2 Squat day 4
Squat 10x3 at 360

I tried to maintain 3 min rest between sets and failed at rep 6 and 7. Had to rerack the bar for a few second before completing the third rep. I haven't eaten enough last week and it showed today. I was getting dizzy and it took me everything to complete the 10 sets. It took around 45 minutes and made me feel really bad at the end.

I was so washed that I felt asleep on my sofa around 8:30 that night (Saturday night ). I didn't expected how taxing that program would be on my body. Rest is crucial

I finished with 10 rounds
3 jerk155
6 pull up
9 push up

in 13:40

Friday, September 13, 2013

Workout log September 13, 2013

Smolov Jr Squat week 2 day 3

4x8 at 340

last rep of last set was almost missed. I rested around 3 min between sets

tried to do Push press wendler style and failed
warm up + 125x3, 144x3, 162x1 failed the second rep, The squat again left me with little in the tank

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Workout log September 11, 2013

Smolov Jr Squat week 2 day 2
Squat 7x5 at 320


11 thruster 135#
200m run
11 push press 135#
200m run
11 bench press 135#
200m run

did 1 round + thruster+run+push press+run

Tuesday September 10
Bench press 5 3 1
Bench warm up + 180x3, 205x3, 230x3

Weighted pull up
warm up + bw+35x3, bw+65x3, bw+100 fail at rep 3

Monday September 9 Smolov Jr Squat week 2 day 1
Squat 6x6 at 300 ( I decided to add 15# from last week)

Hang power clean 120
handstand pushup


Saturday, September 7, 2013

Workout log September 7, 2013

Smolov Jr Squat Week 1 Day 4

Squat 10x3x345#

Then Barbara but only 4 rounds in 27:something.
4 round for time

20 pullup
30 pushup
40 situp
50 squat
rest 3min

The three first round where around 4:15 but the previous Smolov Jr squat hit hard during the fourth round

Friday, September 6, 2013

Workout log September 6, 2013

Smolov Jr Squat week 1 day 3
8x4 at 325

Today was easier than the first two days of the program but I was still exhausted at the end

tried to go for Press wendler style
Press 5x70, 5x90, 3x110, 5x117, 5x135, and failed miserably the third rep at 153.

It's now obvious that I can't program serious strenght work after the smolov set. I will readjust the workout schedule.

I will probably do nothing more on thursday and move the Press on wednesday. leaving me with lighter days and only one complete rest day on Sunday. I still have to figure out where I can put clean in the program, especially when I cycle Smolov with a leg exercise.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Workout log September 4, 2013

Smolov Jr Squat Week 1 day 2
Squat 7x5 at 305

12,9,6 for time
thruster 120
2pood kb swing
strict pull up


I felt like puking the entire WOD, the 7x5  squat left me without energy. My legs are destroyed. Rest day today before attacking two days in a row of volume squatting at 80+% I anticipate that it's going to be painful

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Workout log September 3, 2013

Bench Wendler 5 3 1
105x5, 130x5, 155x5, 165x5, 195x5, 220x5

Weighted Pull up
2x2xbw, 3xbw, 5xbw+20, 5xbw+50, 4xbw+80 failed the last rep

Monday, September 2, 2013

Workout Blog September 2nd, 2013

Smolov Jr Squat week 1 day 1
Squat 6x6 285

3 round for time
50 SDHP 45#
12 deadlift 190#
21 box jump 20"

in 12:40

Saturday August 31st, 2013

Hot Shot 19 workout

Six rounds for time of:
30 Squats
135 pound Power clean, 19 reps
7 Strict Pull-ups
Run 400 meters

Only did 5 round in 42 minutes, I was completly washed. I had a hard time recover that day

Friday August 30, 2013. 
Wendler Press Deload week

OTM for 8 min
1 power clean

Weight increased from 185# to 210#

Thursday August 29, 2013

Wendler Deadlift deload week

double under

under 10 min but can't remember exact time

Tuesday August 27, 2013

Wendler Bench deload week

Ten rounds for load and time of:
1 Clean and Jerk
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Used 185# and finished in 14:30

Monday, August 26, 2013

Workout log August 26, 2013

Wendler cycle 9 Deload week Squat / Weighted PU
Squat 167x4x5, 210x5, 251x5

Weigthed PU 4x3 at bw bw x 4, bw x 5

Trying to rest as much as possible before starting Smolov Jr for squat next week

Friday, August 23, 2013

Workout log August 23, 2013

Wendler cycle 9 week 3 Press

Press 75x5, 90x5, 105x3, 131x5, 149x3, 166x1

All set relatively easy, progressing on the press

Press 5x10 at 90, 1 min rest.  last set was hard

finished with

for time
100 pullup
100 pushup
100 situp
100 squat

in 20:40. I am slow with bodyweight movement. Pull up took me around 7 minute. I used to do that one in the 15 min range

I am now thinking about building a new program with more periodization to see how my body will react to it

I was thinking of rotating Smolov Jr cycle on each lift and keeping simple Wendler 531 for the opposite body part. I need to figure out how to also include short Metcon in the mix. The fourth week I would only lift a max rep on that lift. I am also thinking to maintain the Wendler rate of progression. The increased strength acquired during the Smolov would allow me to perform more rep than prescribed on the last set during the 3 other months until I hit the lift on Smolov again.

For the next cycle I am therefore planning to do
Monday Squat Smolov + Short Metcon/Sprint
Tuesday Wendler Bench
Wednesday Squat Smolov + Short Metcon/Sprint
Thursday Rest
Friday Squat Smolov + Wendler Press
Saturday Squat Smolov + Short Metcon/Sprint
Sunday Rest

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Workout log August 22, 2013

Wendler cycle 9 week 3 Deadlift

Deadlift 180x5, 225x5, 270x3, 335x5, 380x1, 380x1

I was completly exhausted and empty. 380 was feeling so heavy after last week 400+ twice. This week with maximal load on almost all lift got me hard. I don't think I was recovered from Tuesday squat and 25 min Hero WOD

Deadlift 225 5x10 1 min rest

I crashed on the ground completly empty. I will have to eat more and sleep better.

Next week I go with the deload week and start a smolov cycle with no deadlift and limited press, bench press and Metcons the week after. I need to change the routine for a few weeks.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Workout log August 20, 2013

Wendler cycle 9 week 3 Bench
Bench 100x5, 125x5, 150x3, 190x5, 215x3, 240x1

No problem, but since I had no spot I only did one rep

Bench 5x10 at 126 1 min rest between sets

finished with
AMRAP 25 minutes
8 handstand push up
8 box jump 30'
4 unbroken towel pullup
4 unbroken toe to the bar

only 6 rounds + 5 handstand. The handstand where the limiting factor, especially after the bench session

Monday, August 19, 2013

Workout log August 19, 2013

Wendler cycle 9 week 3 Squat/weighted pullup

Squat 167.5x5, 210x5, 251x3, 315x5, 356x3, 398x1

weighted pullup bwx3x3, bw+45x5, bw+80x3, bw+110x1

squat 5x10 at 210, 1 min rest

reps on the 5x10 where smooth and fast today

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Workout log August 18, 2013

August 17

With a 45 pound barbell, 21-15- and 9 reps for time of:
Turkish Get-ups, alternating arms
Sots press

It took me around 36 min to complete. I remember doing this WOD a few years ago. Same feeling. Never out of breath but I felt exhausted at the end. Turkish get up are really good total body workout

August 16
Wendler cycle 9 week 2 Press
Press Failed the third rep of the last wendler set

OTM for 8 min
3 power clean at 175

Press 5x10 at 90# almost failed the last rep

finished with Helen

3 round for time
21 1.5 pood kb swing
12 pullup

12:30 in my best crossfit days I did this one sligthly below 8. I don't think I will ever get back to that. I used to complete a 400 in a minute or so. Today the first one took 1:50

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Workout log August 15, 2013

Wendler cycle 9 week 2 Deadlift

Deadlift 175x5, 225x5, 256x3, 315x3, 356x3, 402x2 failed the 3rd rep

finally failed the deadlift, with a bodyweight of 187 this morning

finished with 5x10 at 225 1 min rest between sets

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Workout Log August 13, 2013

Wendler cycle 9 week 2 Bench
Bench 100x5, 125x5, 150x3, 176x3, 201x3, 226x3

easy, I probably could have done 4 but I had no spot

Bench 5x10 126, 1 min rest between set again fairly easy. It's time to keep the bench increasing

finished with

2 round for time
30 Thruster 135 (bar starting on the ground)
30 L-pull up

I managed my effort well and I was able to complete it in 18:41.

135 thruster become heavy quick. This WOD was hard and I was exhausted at the end. The secret to beat the WOD for me was to manage my effort on the thruster (around 5 or 6 per set) and mental strenght to keep beating my body.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Workout log August 12, 2013

Wendler Cycle 9 week 2 Squat / Weighted PU

Squat 165x5, 210x5, 255x3, 289x3, 335x3, 377x2

at 377 I tried one rep and fail the second. took 30 sec and did 2 rep took again 30 sec and did one more rep. I am really dissapointed by my squat. I think that I don't squat enough on Wendler

Weighted PU bw 3x3, bw+25x3, bw+60x3, bw+92x2 almost got the third rep.

finished with 5x10 squat at 210 with 1 min rest between set. Full depth. I am doing them quicker than before.

August 10, 2013

Five rounds for time of:
95 pound Sumo deadlift high-pull, 21 reps
21 Ring dips

Cannot remember the exact time, but it was around 13:40

Friday, August 9, 2013

Workout log August 9, 2013

Wendler cycle 9 week 1 Press

Press 75x5, 87.5x5, 105x3, 115x5, 131x5, 150x4 fail

dissapointing. Wendler seems to only work on deadlift for me. That is actually the main reason I stick to it because I always felt that my deadlift was weak compared to my other lift and Wendler is finally starting to make it descent. I considering a major reset on the other lift to get them going up again

Press 5x10 at 90 1 min rest between sets. I failed on the last rep, I should lower the weight even on the 5x10

6 min rest

On The Minute 10 min
3 power clean 175#

6 min rest

10 rounds
7 burpee
7 K2E

in 12:57

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Workout Log August 8, 2013

Wendler cycle 9 week 1 Deadlift

Amazing day, deadlift keep on going up with PR almost every week now.

Deadlift 175x5, 225x5, 280x3, 290x5, 335x5, 380x5
(that's two time bodyweight and a new all time PR in absolute weight with 10 pound less bodyweight)

Deadlift 5x10 at 225 with 1 min rest between set

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Workout Log August 6, 2013

August 6
Wendler cycle 9 week 1 Bench

Bench 100x5, 125x5, 155x5, 165x5, 190x5, 215x5

Bench 5x10 at 126 with 1 min rest between set

finished with
30 snatch at 125# in 7:45

August 5
Wendler cycle 9 week 1 Squat / Weighted pull up

Squat 165x5, 210x5, 250x3, 272.5x5, 315x5, 356 x3 then 2 additionnal rep

Weighted pull up
3x3 at bw, bw+15x5, bw+45x5, bw+ 80x4

I failed on the last rep

Squat 5x10 at 210 with 1 min rest between set

I need to reset my squat again or start as I wanted earlier last month a smolov cycle.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Workout log August 2, 2013

Wendler cycle 8 week 4 Press Deload
Press 4x5x70, 5x85, 5x105

Dead by strict pull up with two power clean 170# at the beginning of each minute

did 9 round + 2 clean + 4 pull up

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Workout Log August 1, 2013

Wendler Cycle 8 week 4 Deload Deadlift

175x4x5, 220x5, 265x5

then did Nancy
5 rnd
400 m
15 Overhead squat

in 19:10. My PR is 18:29. Lately I have seen the scale at 188. I think I am not eating enough and it starts to show on my performance. I also didn't do a lot of running in the last few months

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Workout update

Workout update July 30, 2013

Tuesday July 30
Wendler cycle 8 deload week Bench
4x5x99, 5x125, 5x150

For time:
95 pound Thruster, 27 reps
15 foot Legless rope climb, 4 ascents
95 pound Thruster, 21 reps
15 foot Legless rope climb, 3 ascents
95 pound Thruster, 15 reps
15 foot Legless rope climb, 2 ascents
95 pound Thruster, 9 reps
15 foot Legless rope climb, 1 ascent

Subbed each ascent with 5 unbroken towel pull up: 11:48

Monday July 29
Wendler cycle 8 deload week Squat and weigthed pull up
Completed all rep easily.

Saturday July 27, 2013
For time:
100 Double-unders
Run 100 meters
15 foot Rope climb, 4 ascents
Run 100 meters
135 pound Front squat, 30 reps
Run 100 meters
100 meter Farmer carry, 70 pound dumbbells
70 pound Dumbbell snatch, alternating, 20 reps
Run 100 meters

I was struggling on that one, it took me around 20 min to complete. My two older son did it before me, with much ligther weight and didn't seem as washed as I was after it.

Vacation update: 

Back from a 2 week vacation. I went away from home for a week and I knew I would not have access to a good gym so I did week 2 of my Wendler cycle in 2 days
I did the squat on Sunday morning, the bench on Sunday night and my Deadlift Monday afternoon. I left the country on Tuesday morning.

Notable lift was 3x395 on the deadlift a new PR.

During the one week vacation, I did two metcons, my Wendler press and isolation exercises on the different machine.

I was back on the next Tuesday
Wendler week 3 was done in the following order
Tuesday night squat. I struggled with the single 390 rep but completed it. Pull up where done in the hotel gym on a lat machine on Monday
Wednesday morning Bench
Thursday Deadlift. I failed 416 on my first attempts, took 30 sec and tried again and got it. New PR
Friday Press and a Metcon
For time:
205 pound Front squat, 20 reps
30 Box jump, 30 inch box
40 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball

Can't remember how long it took me

Friday, July 12, 2013

Workout log July 12, 2013

Wendler cycle 8 week 1 Press

Press 65x5, 85x5, 105x3, 111x5, 127.5x5, 145x6

Press 5x10 at 90 1 min rest between sets

skip the clean this week and finished with

30 squat clean and jerk 155#

in 13:35

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Workout log July 11, 2013

Wendler cycle 8 week 1 Deadlift

Deadlift 175x5, 220x5, 262.5x3, 285x5, 327.5x5, 372.5x5

New lifetime PR on deadlift 5rm

finished with
230x10, 230x10, 225x3x10 with 1 min rest between sets. Legs and lower back where smoked at the end of this one

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Workout log July 9, 2013

Wendler cycle 8 week 1  Bench

Bench 99x5, 125x5, 150x3, 160x5, 185x5, 210x5

Not happy with the results, should have done at least 6 if not 7. I haven't been eating lots of carb in the last 2 weeks and it starts to show. I decided to take a break for the summer and not take any contract for at least July. I am staying home with the kids and I have been lazy to add and prepare tubbers to add to my diet. On top of all I am spending much more time outdoor with the kids playing soccer and basketball with them

Bench 126 5x10 with 1 min rest, easy


135 squat clean (I can't really drop the weight)
ring dip


Monday, July 8, 2013

Workout Log July 8, 2013

Wendler cycle 8 week 1 squat / Weighted Pullup
Squat 165x5, 205x5, 245x3, 266x5, 305x5, 348x5

Got some problem finding my balance during rep 1 and 2. The extra effort prevented me from completing my 6 th rep

Weighted Pull up
bw 3x3, bw+15x5, bw+45x5, bw+75x4

I couldn't complete my 5 rep, time for a reset on the weighted pullup

finished with
squat 5x10 at 210 with 1 min rest

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Workout log July 6, 2013

Three rounds of:
75 pound Power snatch
Box jump, 24" box
75 pound Thruster
Chest to bar Pull-ups

went to bed late and had to wake up early for my son soccer tournament this morning.

I am not impressed with my score of 56+57+52= 165

Friday, July 5, 2013

Workout Log July 5, 2013

Wendler cycle 7 week 4 Press / Power clean Deload

Press 66x4x5, 82.5x5,  100x5

Power clean 90x4x5, 112x5, and I went too fast and put around 10# more for the last set 145x5

Ready to start another cycle but I will be leaving on vacation around the 16-17 for one week where I am not sure I will have access to a gym where I can do squat or deadlift. I am currently trying to see if there is a 2 week intense program I can put myself into to bring me close to being overtrained for the vacation.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Workout log July 4, 2013

Wendler cycle 7 week 4 Deadlift

Deadlift 171x4x5, 215x5, 247.5x5

felt like it wasn't enough today so decided to do my second weekly WOD today

chest to the bar Pull UP
30" box jump
GHD situp

As usual, another 10-..-1 deceptively hard. Felt like I was going to puke towards the end of the round of 8. That feeling stayed until the round of 3

finished in 13:25

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Workout log July 2, 2013

Wendler cycle 7 week 4 Bench (Deload)

97x4x5, 121x5, 145x5

easy then did
225 Deadlift
135 Over head squat

Much harder than anticipated. I don't really practice my OHS and it showed. I was awfully slow on them

Deadlift on the other hand were relatively easy and where just a minor speed bump in that workout

19m something, I lost the exact time

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Workout log June 29, 2013

Four rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
185 pound Back squat, 24 reps
135 pound Jerk, 24 reps
40 min. I really wanted in the 30`s but I had 12 rep left at 39:15. After 6 reps I was about to throw up so racked for a few sec but I couldn`t complete the 6 rep fast enough

Really wanted to try that one even if I felt wrecked this morning. I knew this one would hurt but I really felt like going through the 96 squat almost at bodyweight. I was feeling tired and I didn`t properly warmed up the squat. The first round could have been faster. 

Then I went to coach my middle one and we played a half hour game at the end. I don`t have energy left. I am really looking forward to rest next week during my deload week. Plus I decided not to take any contracts during the month of July to spend quality time with my sons. Should really help with recovery, or perhaps not.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Workout Log June 28, 2013

Wendler cycle 7 week 3 Press/Power clean

Press 65x5, 85x5, 100x3, 125x5, 141x3, 157.5x2 so close to 3

Power clean
135x5, 165x5, 187.5x3, 210x0

tried two times and both failed. I was pressed for time so call it quit on Power Clean. I haven't been really serious with my Power clean, changing routine a few times and it start to show. I need to rethink my strategy for that lift. Also having them the day after my deadlift might not be the brightest idea

Press 5x10 at 90# 1min rest between sets. All set complete only the last rep was a very good struggle

finished with
10 burpee
25 double under

6 round
I was tired from the previous exercise and it took me a few round to get in the groove for my double under
Only the last three rounds where unbroken on the DU.

Today I will continue my 5x5 HSPU grease in the groove "challenge"

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Workout Log June 27, 2013

Wendler cycle 7 week 3 Deadlift

Deadlift 170x5, 215x5, 241x3, 321x5, 365x3, 407x1

Pretty stoked about my 407 lift. I beat my previous 1 Rm and I am 10# lighter. On top of all, I wasn't feeling like it was an amazing day, like the last time I lifted 405. Just an average day and I got it off the ground fairly easily

Deadlift 5x10 at 215# 1min rest between sets

Yesterday I also did 5x5 HSPU through out the day. Today I am resting, to make sure I let my shoulder rest for tomorrow pressing session

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Workout Log June 25, 2013

Wendler cycle 7 week 3 Bench 

Doing a "greasing the groove" blitz for my handstand pushup since last friday. I will be doing 5 reps 5 times a day, 5 times a week. Did Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I rested yesterday and will be performing my 5 sets during the day today

Bench 95x5, 120x5, 145x3, 182.5x5, 206x3, 230x1 and did another rep after

Dissapointing, I should have done at least 3 but didn't felt it today

Bench 5x10, 126#, 1 min rest between set

finished with 
5 rounds
5 deadlift 275
25 situp 


Workout log June 23, 2013 Wendler cycle 7 week 3 Squat

Since I was travelling on Monday I decided to do my squat session on Sunday morning

160x5, 200x5, 240x3, 301x5, 341x3, 381x2

Weighted Pull up
3x3 at bw, bw+40 x5, bw + 70x3, bw+100x1

squat 5x10, 215#, 1 min rest between set. I was supposed to go with 210 but used the deadlift weight by mistake. Felt hard but I was able to complete all rep without major problem. It felt good to push myself on that one

Workout Log June 22, 2013

3 rnd
4x(10 deadlift 95+10 air squat)  (That was done for 1000m row)
20 pull up
30 box jump 20"

in 19:20

Friday, June 21, 2013

Workout Log June 21, 2013

Wendler cycle 7 week 2 Press/Power Clean

Press 65x5, 85x5, 100x3, 116x3, 132.5x3, 150x4

I kind of got the first rep in an awkward fashion, and it screwed up the rest of the set, so I had to stop at 4

Power clean press in time so I skipped most of the warm up

135x3, 155x3, 176x3, 198.5 failed the second rep, took 30 sec rest and tried again to fail the third rep

I haven't followed Wendler consistently with the power clean and it shows. Heavy dead on the day before isn't a good timing either.

Press 5x10 90 with 1 min rest between sets

finished with
Thruster 105#
(4 pull up,4 dip)

capped the WOD at 15 minutes. I had 15 +12 thruster + 8 rep of (4pu, 4dip)

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Workout Log June 20, 2013

Wendler cycle 7 , week 2 Deadlift

Deadlift 170x5, 215x5, 257.5x3, 300x3, 342.5x3, 386x3

I don't think I could have lifted a 4th rep today. But 386x3 is equal to my all time 3RM but with 10 # bodyweight less.

Deadlift 5x10 at 215

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Workout log June 18, 2013

Wendler cycle 7 week 2 Bench

Feeling sick from the stomach this morning, not my best workout today.

Bench 95x5, 120x5, 145x3, 170x3, 195x3, 217.5x4

should have done at least one more but I was feeling weak today

Bench 5x10 126 was relatively easy, I should start increasing the weight

finished with a workout that was much harder than initially anticipated. I haven't front squated heavy in months and that was around my old 60% max

Front squat 185#
GHD situp

20:45 for some reason I was expecting to get that one under 15

Monday, June 17, 2013

Workout Log June 19, 2013

Wendler cycle 7 week 2 squat / weighted pull up

Squat 160x5, 200x5, 240x3, 281x3, 321x3, 361x4

Weighted pu BWx3x3, bw+25x3, bw+55, bw+85x3

squat 5x10 at 210

Saturday June 15, 2013

I did Gallant without the medicine ball. I had about an half hour to train and wanted to make I would finish the workout.

For time:
Run 1 mile 
60 Burpee pull-ups
Run 800 meters 
30 Burpee pull-ups
Run 400 meters 
15 Burpee pull-ups

in 32:23

Friday, June 14, 2013

Workout Log June 14, 2013

Wendler cycle 7 week 1 Press (Reset 10#) / Power clean
Press 65x5, 85x5, 100x3, 107.5x5, 125x5, 141x7
Pretty happy with the result. I was expecting to stop at 5 but managed to get two more in.

Press 5x10 at 90 1 min rest between set. I couldn't finish the last set unbroken I had to stop at 7 rest and complete the three last rep

It wasn't a good idea to do the high rep press right before the power clean. I felt washed and it affected my results

Power clean
135x4, 145x5, 165x5, 187.5x5
Probably could have done more if I had been more fresh

finished with
push jerk 75#

9:35 Ok given that I was not a full strength from the other exercise

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Workout log June 13, 2013

Wendler cycle 7 week 1 Deadlift
Deadlift 171x5, 215x5, 257.5x3, 277.5x5, 321x5, 365x6

Previous best was 370x5 when I was 200+ #. Beat my best with 10# less bodyweight. I am happy to see the deadlift keeps going up. It looks like the standard Wendler template let you have more energy to complete the final lift than the heavy one. Last week on the heavier template I was only able to finish 5 rep on the last set of deadlift. This week I was able to complete 6 with a heavier weight.

Finished with deadlift 5x10 at 215 last three reps of the last set where tough

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Workout Log June 11, 2013

Wendler cycle 7 week 1 Bench (reset)
Bench 99x5, 121x5, 145x3, 157.5x5, 182.5x5, 206x7
I was hoping to go for 8 but rep 7 was really ugly so I call it for the day

Bench 5x10 at 126

I finished with today main site WOD

left arm 55#db snatch
right arm 55#db snatch
pull up


Monday, June 10, 2013

Workout log June 10, 2013

Wendler cycle 7, Squat, week 1 (reset 20# and switch to the normal Wendler template)
squat 160x5, 201x5, 241x3, 260x5, 301x5, 346x6
dissapointed, the bar started to slip on my back and I wasn't confortable with a 7 rep. On the other hand all rep where nice and low

weighted pull
3x3 at bw, Bw+10x5, bw+40x5, bw+90x4 almost 5
looks like I will have to reset here also. I almost completed the fifth rep

finished with squat 5x10 at 210 all rep ass to the ground. Today my legs hurted for a good two hours after the workout. I guess it means I workout hard.

Workout log Saturday June 8, 2013

250 m row (subbed with 10 deadlift 95, 10 air squat)
25 push up

10 round + 6 deadlift

Found the sub on main site and decided to give it a try. I have to admit that it was more of a leg exercise than SDHP. It's been so long I haven't row that I can't really tell if it's a better sub or not. But I feel that when I row I use more the upper body than in this sub (but less than SDHP).

Maybe an hybrid would be good. It needs to reflect the exercise while maintaining a similar power output. In order to find a decent sub I would need to benchmark myself on an actual rower and then compare

Friday, June 7, 2013

Workout log June 7, 2013

Wendler cycle 6 week 4 Deload Press

Started with OTM for 8 min
3 power clean 135
easy but this was for deload

Press 4x5x72, 90x5, 108x5

that's it

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Workout Log June 6, 2013

Wendler cycle 6 week 4 deadlift deload

Deadlift 167.5x4x5, 210x5, 252.5x5

Workload today was really small so I decided to do the WOD today instead of tomorrow

double under


double under where almost all unbroken. I haven't done any for months but I almost feel my technique improved since last time. Situp where done with a very awkward anchor, which probably slowed me down a little

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Workout Log June 4, 2013

Wendler cycle 6 week 4 deload bench
Bench 4x5x102.5, 127.5x5, 155x5

AMRAP 12 min
12 115 push press
12 C2B pull up
12 pistol (alt legs)

3 round + 12 pp + 12 c2b pu + 6 pistol
I am completly burned this week, I need to eat and rest more

A reset on most lift next cycle will also be beneficial. I am planning to reset all lift except deadlift. Finally I will be switching from the heavy Wendler template to the recommanded template. But I am planning to maintain the 5x10 weight for accessory work.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Workout Log June 3, 2013

Wendler cycle 6 week 4 Squat / Weighted Pull up Deload
Squat 168x4x5, 210x5, 252x5

Pull up
bwx4x2, bwx3, bwx4

Still feeling a bit wrecked from Saturday's running session. Long or intense run always get me more sore than most type of training.

Workout Log June 1st
6 round
every 5 min
run 200 m
run 400 m

This was an amazing workout. I love doing interval run. After a good run, I always feel like I cleaned the cardiovascular system. Probably more psychological then physiological but it feel goods nonetheless.

200 m run where all between 30 and 36 sec. I don't know about the first run as my hand touch the screen of my phone during the run and switch the timer to another view.

Friday, May 31, 2013

workout log May 31, 2013

Wendler cycle 6 week 3 Bench
Bench 105x5, 130x5, 155x3, 192.5x5, 217.5x3, 243.75x1

Power clean OTM for 8 min 3 power clean 185

Bench 127.5 5x10 1min rest

finished with
1 burpee with 4 push up
4pull up

in 13 min

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Workout Log May 30, 2013

Wendler cycle 6 week 3 Deadlift
Deadlift 170x5, 210x5, 255x3, 315x5, 356x3, 398x1

Satisfy how easily almost 400 went up. I didn't had a second rep in me this morning

finished with deadlift 5x10 at 210 with 1 min rest. This is getting easy

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Workout log May 28, 2013

Wendler cycle 6 week 3 press
Got confused this morning and did press instead of bench press
75x5, 90x5, 108x3, 135x5, 152.5x2(F), 171(did 165x1 instead)

Wheel is falling off the wagon with Press and other lift, time for a major reset. It will allow my body to recover because I feel that I have a hard time recovering lately

Press, 5x10 at 90 1 min rest

Did Omar today for my WOD
10 thruster 95
15 bar facing burpee
20 thruster 95
25 bf burpee
30 thruster 95
35 bf burpee

I was pumping oil after the second round of thruster. Lost my time but it was in the 16 min range (I think it was 16:20)

May 27, 2013
Wendler cycle 6 week 3 squat
168x5, 210x5, 252x3, 315x5, 356x3, 397.5x1 depth wasn't too good but felt like doing a second one after
I need a reset, to let the body recover and come stronger

squat 5x10 at 210 full range of motion, 1 min rest. I love the feeling (pain) it provides

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Workout log May 25, 2013

I was rushed for time so I did Jackie today

100 SDHP 45lbs
50 thruster 45lbs
30 pull up

6:50, about  a  month  ago  I was at 7:18 and 8:08 in mid Feb

Looks like Jackie, will become a benchmark WOD to track my progress

Friday, May 24, 2013

Workout log May 24, 2013

Wendler cycle 6 week 2 Press

Press 70x5, 90x5, 107,5x3, 144x3, 153x3, 162x1 then did 155x1

I need a serious reset on the press, I am wasting that cycle

2 Power clean on the minute for 8 min 185#

Press 5x10 at 90 failed on the last rep of 5

finished with
15 min AMRAP
5 front squat 150#
5 strict chin up
10 push up

did 10 rounds, I was completly washed after that.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Workout Log May 23, 2013

Wendler cycle 6, week 2 deadlift

Deadlift 165x5, 210x5, 252x3, 336x3, 356x3, 377x3

wasn't feeling it today but still got my 3 rep

finished with Deadlift 5x10 at 210

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Workout Log May 21, 2013

Wendler cycle 6 week 2 Bench
Bench 105x5, 127.5x5, 155x3, 205x3, 217.5x3, 230x2 + 1
I am way due a reset. Next week I am reseting all lift except deadlift and starting to use the normal Wendler template. On the other hand I will keep the 5x10 weights until I catch up

bench 5x10 at 127.5

21 Kb swing 55#
12 pull up

in 11:22 ( my best time ever on this was 7:58 I believe )

May 20, 2013 Wendler cycle 6 week 2 squat / PU
Squat 168x5, 210x5, 252.5x3, 336x3, 356x3, 377x3
Great that is almost 2 times BW three rep

weighted PU
3x3 rep at BW, bw+50# x3, bw+65#x3, bw+80#x4

squat 5x10 at 210

May 18, 2013 Workout


30 box jump 24"
30 thruster 45#


round 4 and 5 where painfully slow. I wasn't able to pace myself correctly on that one

Friday, May 17, 2013

Workout Log May 17, 2013

Wendler cycle 6 week 1 Press

On the minute 8 min
1 rep power clean 185#

Press 75x5, 90x5, 110x3, 135x5, 144x5, 153x3
failed miserably. increasing weight on the press wasn't a good idea

Press 5x10 at 90. It was hard but really felt like I worked the shoulder. even if I reset the heavy lift I will keep the 5x10 at 90 during the reset

finished with a sprint
pull up

lost my time but was around 5:20

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Workout log May 16, 2013

Wendler cycle 6 week 1, deadlift

165x5, 210x5, 252x3, 315x5, 336x5, 356x6

Had an horrible night. I hate something bad yesterday and got a mild case of food poisoning.
still I lifted 6 rep today. I am happy with the result at a weight of 190 this morning.

Tried to to my Power clean Wendler lift but after heavy deadlift my explosion was gone. With the new scheme, I will have to find another way to fit my power clean in my routine. I am thinking of starting tomorrow with a on the minute for 8-10 minute 1 power clean

finished with deadlift 5x10 at 210

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Workout log May 14, 2013

Wendler cycle 6 week 1 Bench
I have been really busy with a new project so my updates are kept relatively short lately

Bench 100x5, 130x5, 155x3, 192x5, 205x5, 218x5

5x10 at 128

Finished with

AMRAP 7min
5 clean and push press 130#
7 full glute ham raise (sub for similar exercise with TRX lying on the floor with holding 25# at waist heigth)

4 round + 1 clean and push press

Monday, May 13, 2013

Workout log May 13, 2013

Wendler Cycle 6 week 1 squat / Pull up
Decided to do the metcon at the end of all the heavy lifting. 2 main reasons, I want to avoid the metcon impacting my main lift and both the 5x10 squat and deadlift are becoming physically very demanding and can start to be considered little metcons. On Monday and Wednesday I ended up being completly washed and I wasn't feeling that I was working hard enough on Tuesday and Thursday. Still have to figure out how I will fit the power clean. Doing heavy deadlift, then power clean might not be the best approach.

Squat 170x5, 210x5, 251x3, 315x5, 336x5, 356x4F
I failed on the squat today. After this cycle I am thinking of doing a major reset of 2 weeks on all lift and use the prescribed Wendler template for the two first heavy lift. I am Currently using the heavy template which prescribes two heavier lift first lift. I beleive it's impacting my final attempt.

3x3 at bw, bw+35 x 5, bw+50x5, bw+65x5 couldn't do a 6th rep

finished with
squat 5x10 at 210 with 1 min rest between sets

Saturday May 11, 2013
Did Micheal

50 good morning 45#
50 sit up

in 27minutes. I feel better and better during these long workout. I think I will maintain that long Saturday WOD.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Workout log

May 9, 2013 Wendler cycle 5 deload week deadlift
Deadlift 4x5 165, 205x5, 245x5

135 clean
ring dip

lost my time but I think it was around 8 min

May 7, 2013 Wendler cycle 5 deload week Bench press/weighted PU

4x5 100, 126x5, 151x5

Pull up
2,2,2,2,3,4 at body weight

Monday, May 6, 2013

Workout log, May 6, 2013

Wendler cycle 5 deload week Squat

165 4x5, 205x5, 245x5

5rd for time
15 OHS 95#


Paced myself and was able to maintain all round between 3 and 4 minutes. I did a rowing Nancy early this year and finished in 26 minutes

Saturday May 4, 2013

I did Klepto
4 rounds
27 box jump 24"
20 burpees
11 145 squat clean

finished in 32:28

Friday, May 3, 2013

Workout Log April 3rd, 2013

Wendler cycle 5 week 3 Press / Power clean

Press 70x5, 90x5, 105x3, 131x5, 150x3, 167.5x1

Power clean 85x5, 105x5, 125x3, 157.5x5, 180x3, 201x2
Not happy with this results should be at least 3

Press 5x10 at 87.5 1 min rest between set

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Workout log May 2, 2013

Wendler cycle 5, week 3 deadlift

Deadlift 165x5, 205x5, 245x3, 308x5, 350x3, 390x1

With the allergy, I just didn't had enough to pull that second rep

Deadlift 205 5x10 with 1 min rest between sets

finished with 100 L-pullup for time 12:50
alternated my grip through out the entire workout

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Workout log April 30, 2013

Wendler cycle 5 week 3 Bench / Weighted PU
Bench 100x5, 125x5, 150x3, 190x5, 215x3, 240x1
My 7 years old was spotting me so I couldn't take the risk of trying a second rep

weigthed PU BW 3x3, bw+32.5 x5, bw+62.5 x3, bw+90x2

finished with bench 126 5x10 with 1 min rest

I am finally clearing my cold, but still felt washed at the end.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Workout log April 29, 2013

Wendler cycle 5 week 3 squat
squat 165x5, 205x5, 245x3, 308x5, 350x3, 390x1

I tried a second rep but had to stop the attempt half way through. Without a spot I didn`t felt like risking no going back up. I wasn`t still fully recovered from the hero WOD on Sunday.

squat 205 5x10 1 min rest and ass to the ground on each rep. After that I had no more gas in the tank.

AMRAP 15 min
10 KB swing 2 pood
10 box  jump 24 inch
10 bar dip

15 minutes of hell. I did 6rnd+ 3 jump. It took me about 2hrs to recover from that workout.

Saturday April 27, 2013
None of my kids had a soccer practice in the morning, so it was the perfect time to try a workout that would exceed 30 min. Except for Kalsu* about twice a year, I haven`t done anything above 30 min for quite some time.

Run 800 meters
Then two rounds of:
50 Burpees
40 Pull-ups
30 One-legged squats
20 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
10 Handstand push-ups
Run 800 meters

Finished in 43:11. This workout goes completly against strength gain, but it feels good to have one like that once in while. Completely exhausted at the end, lyed a good 5 min on the ground.

*Kalsu, for those who don`t know that  workout. I strongly recommend trying it at least once in your life.

100 thruster 135 ( I prefer starting the bar from the ground)
at the top of each minute do  5 burpee (yes that also includes the first minute)

Have fun

Friday, April 26, 2013

Workout Log April 26, 2013

Wendler cycle 5 week 2 Press/Power clean

I started a mild flu last night, nothing that significantly slow me down today. Yesterday went out for lunch and ate a 14 inch subs white bread and filled with meat. I eat bread and pasta about once a month at most. Took at least two beer with that. I was curious to see if the small carb loading would impact my lift today

70x5, 90x5, 105x3, 140x3, 150x3, 157.5x3

Happy with the result, last month I failed the third rep at that weight

Power clean
Didn't felt it today
85x5, 105x5, 125x3, 170x3, 180x3, 190x4
Glad I did at least four

finished with
press 5x10 at 87.5 1min rest between set and tried to keep each rep as explosive as possible
The last rep where easier than last week at the same weight

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Workout log April 25, 2013

Wendler cycle 5 week 2 Deadlift
Life with the consulting and the three kids is really taking a toll on the recovery. 18 months is still having a hard time doing full nights and I keep running around for school, daycare and soccer practices and completing my tax return before the end of the month.

I was reading article on the facebook COO Sandberg and felt that what she is saying about women probably also in parts applies more and more to modern men. These days I feel, I am making compromises everywhere. I feel guilty cause I don't spend enough time with the kids and I also feel guilty cause I am not working hard enough on promoting my business the way I would like to. I am stuck with a 40 hours/week contract and have a hard time working off hours on growing the marketing side of the business. Workout, family and the bad sleep are just draining my energy away.  At least I don't have pressure from other father about my choices.

This morning I didn't felt it but I went through anyway. I rarely miss workout unless I am extremely sick. I wasn't expecting anything stellar today

165x5, 205x5, 245x3, 328x3, 350x3, 370x3 Didn't push myself enough on the fourth rep and failed it. Last year before that program, on a that like this 370 wouldn't have gone up a single time so I guess I am ok given the circumstances

5x10 at 205 1 min rest

I finished with an earlier CFFB WOD

10 rnd for time
7 45# plate slam
5 toe to the bar

in 9:21., I have no clue if that's good but rest between exercises was fairly short ( a few second at most)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Workout Log April 23 2013

Wendler cycle 5 week2 Bench / Weighted PU
Bench 105x5, 125x5, 150x3, 201x3, 215x3, 226x3

I am getting close to my max on the bench a fourth rep would have been risky

Weighted Pull up jumping pullup x5, bwx3, bwx3, bw+45x3, bw+62x3, bw+76x4

I finished with bench 5x10 at 126 with 1 min rest between sets

Monday, April 22, 2013

Workout Log April 22, 2013

Wendler cycle 5 week2 Squat
Squat 165x5, 205x5, 245x3, 327.5x3, 350x3, 370x3
This is getting heavy and close to my max number, I am not sure I can keep increasing by 10 # every month on the squat. I am considering either a 2 month reset or just adding 5# every month to keep the progression.

Squat 5x10 at 205 rep ass to the ground. The last rep where challenging

135 thruster
45# chin up

in 11:31. Acceptable after all the squating. This morning it took me almost two hours to fully recover from that workout

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Workout log April 20, 2013

Today I did Jackie
For time
100 SDHP 45#
50 thruster 45#
30 pull up

I did the workout on February 11 after a deload session on the squat in 8.08. Today I did it in 7.18 slightly more than 10% improvement in around 2 months. Given the weight used during deload, I don' t beleive it had a negative impact on the results of that day. I am glad to see that the conditionning is improving, because some day I feel that nothing improved.

I always feel as tire after each workout and always feel that I could be faster. I guess that whatever is your level, you always have those feelings.

Interesting to see that on lighter weight and cardio based WOD my numbers are relatively closer to the elite than on one with heavier weight. Is it because I am too weak vs my cardio or that the elite training is less and less geared to outperform in these type of light workout. It would be interesting to look at the stats on site like beyond the white board to see what are the best results on Jackie and what profile of athlete are getting these results. Are there athlete that would never be in a position to go to the crossfit game that beat a 5:30 time on this one?

Friday, April 19, 2013

Workout log April 19, 2013

Wendler cycle 5 week 1 Press / Power Clean

Press 70x5, 90x5, 105x3, 131x5, 140x5, 150x4
Again I failed. It's decided I will reset Press by 2 weeks (10#) on the next cycle but I will keep the accessory work at the same level 87.5.

Power clean
85x5, 105x5, 125x3, 157.5 x5, 170x5, 180x8

Nothing spectacular here, I was aiming for 11 to beat my previous best but right before even lifting the first rep I knew I hadn't them in me today.

I finished with Press 5x10 at 87.5 with 1 min rest. The last rep of set 5 took everything to complete.

Not a good day, but the important is to keep on going. I continue to maintain water and vit C intake high to see if it continues to have positive effect

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Workout log April 18, 2013

Wendler Cycle 5 Week 1 Deadlift
Deadlift 165x5, 205x5, 245x3, 307.5x5, 327.5x5, 350x6
Could have probably done 1 more but I wanted to keep enough energy to complete my workout

Deadlift 5x10 205

I finished with a modified main site WOD, felt like running today. I haven't run a lot since last November and it shows. Except for the first 400, most of the running was a slow paced job. Except on the last one where I met a neighboor walking his dog and I didn't want to look like an out of shape runner. Increased the pace but almost threw up when I reached my garage door. Funny how having people observing you can affect your performance.

4 round
400 m
40 airsquat
10 pull up

17:45 for my defense they were done less than 10 min after the heavy deadlift.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Workout log April 16, 2013

Wendler cycle 5 week 1 Bench / weigthed PU

body weight today around 192. Body composition keeps on improving. I noticed a significant improvement since I started taking vit C. Not sure there is a link since it also corresponds with heavy weights approaching my max. I increased water intake but I still have my cheeks flushing. I had the same reaction when I started vit D.

I will do some research to figure out if there is some kind of link.

100x5, 125x5, 150x3, 190x5, 201x5, 215x5 last rep was hard

weighted PU
3x3 bw, bw+32.5 x5, bw+47.5 x5, bw+62.5 x6

5x10 at 126

Monday, April 15, 2013

Workout log April 15, 2013

Wendler cycle 5 week 1 squat
Weights are getting heavier on the squat and I am still around 192 this morning all time PR on 5RM is 370 at 200 bodyweight
165x5, 205x5, 245x3, 308x5, 327.5x5, 350x5 barely got that fifth rep

Squat 5x10 at 205 with 1 min rest between set

finished with
10 round for time
135 deadlift x15
15 push up

completed in 16:05.

Deadlift were relatively easy until round 4 where the earlier squat effect started to kick in. It felt really good to lift heavy again after the deload week.

Saturday April 13, 2013 workout log

last workout of the deload week. The mainsite workout was perfectly appropriate for today

3 round for time
28 walking lunges (more or less 100feet)
50 squat
25 superman

11:20. My right knee weakness slowed me down on the 50 air squat. Feels good once in a while to do body weight exercise only

Friday, April 12, 2013

Workout log April 12, 2013

Wendler cycle 4 week 4 Deload Press / Power clean
Press 70 4x5, 87.5 x5, 105x5

Power clean 82.5 4x5, 105x5, 125x5

Getting ready for the next cycle

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Workout log April 11, 2013

Wendler Cycle 4 Week 4 Deload Deadlift
160 4x5, 200x5, 240x5

deadlift 225

Deadlift were a breeze but HSPU where extremely slow. It shows that I still have some weight to loose. Last weekend, I drank a lot of water and slightly increased the carb input and saw my bodyweigth go up 5# in 2 days. I was obviously getting dehydrated. I need to keep the water intake high. I also felt better after. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Workout Log April 9, 2013

Wendler cycle 4 week 4 Deload Bench Press/ weighted Pull up
 Bench 100 4x5, 125x5, 150x5

pull up bw 4x3, bwx4, bwx5

Monday, April 8, 2013

Workout log April 8, 2013

Wendler cycle 4 week 4 Deload Squat
Squat 160 4x5, 201x5, 241x5

did 10 rnd
50m shuttle (100m total)
90s rest

untimed. I hope the low volume this week will be good for my knee. Ran in an alley between two houses. I was remembered how people with dogs can be disgusting sometimes. During the winter, snow is not removed from the alley, so the people let their dog go and don't clean up after them. When the snow melt all the frozen dog crap end up on the little path. I had to pay careful attention not to slip on it. Nothing against dog themselves, just some owners.

Saturday March 6, 2013
Crossfit Open 13.5
Another friendly reminder that I am far from being an elite athlete.

Did 2 rounds +6 thruster in 4 min.

My hats off to those that were able to go through that pain for 12 min.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Workout log April 5, 2013

Wendler cycle 4 week 3 Press and Power Clean
Press 70x5, 85x5, 105x3, 131x5, 150x3, 166x1

Power Clean 85x5, 105x5, 125x3, 155x5, 176x3, 196x5

Press 87.5 5x10 1 min rest

I will keep press at the same weight for the next cycle. On the 5x10 the last two reps of the 5 set are really hard to complete.

Looking forward for the reset week to let my right knee recover.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Workout log April 4, 2013

Wendler cycle 4 week 3 Deadlift
Deadlift 160x5, 200x5, 240x3, 301x5, 341x3, 381x3
deadlift 201 5x10 1 min rest. This part is becoming a metcon. I am breathing heavily at the end of the 5 rep

With a weight of 190 this morning I am fairly satisfied of the results. I am deadlifting the same weight I was deadlifting 4 months ago with 10 pounds less. 

4-5 min rest

100 SDHP 45#
20 GHD situp
75 SDHP 45#
40 toe to the bar
50 SDHP 45#
60 sit up

I couldn't even complete the first 50 SDHP unbroken. The deadlifts burned me. It's really hard to perform in a metcon after all that heavy lifting. I had to brake the T2B in 5,5,5,5,5,5,4,3,3 the last 10 reps (4,3,3) I minimised the rest to the strict minimum.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Workout log April 2nd, 2013

Wendler cycle 4 week 3 Bench / Weigthed PU
Bench 100x5, 125x5, 150x3, 185x5, 210x3, 235x2

Weighted PU bwx3, bwx3, bwx3, bw+27.5x5, bw+57.5x3, bw+87.5x2

Bench 5x10 at 123

Body Weight is now around 191, strength is sligthly down but body composition is improving. My knee is still troubling me and somehow sap some of my strength.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Workout Log April 1st, 2013

Wendler cycle 4 week 3 Squat
160x5, 200x5, 240x3, 301x5, 341x3, 381x2.5 (depth on the last one was really limit)

Squat 201 5x10

Today my right knee still bugs me a little, but lifting actually felt good. Hopefully I will keep the same feeling all week.

185# Power Clean 3rep
10 burpee pull up (strict commando style)


 Workout log for March 30, 2013

Did 13.4 on Saturday. Not a big success my K2E are very slow. I don't have the proper clearance under my pullup bar to kip them effectively. Exceptionally did the workout around 16:00, because I had to pass my PMP certification in the morning (Which I got BTW ). Also note that I can't really drop the weight in the garage as it starts bouncing all over.

7 min was over right after the 12 power clean rep.


Friday, March 29, 2013

Workout Log March 28 and 29, 2013

March 29
Wendler cycle 4 week 2 Press and Power clean
Press 70x5, 85x5, 102.5x3, 140x3, 150x3, 157.5x2
I will not increase weight on the press this month.

Power clean 82.5x5, 100x5, 125x3, 166x3, 176x3, 186x6 missed the 7 rep

Press 87.5 5x10 last set was really hard to complete

March 28 
Wendler cycle 4 week 2 Deadlift
Deadlift 160x5, 200x5, 240x4(wasn't concentrated and did an extra rep), 320x3, 341x3, 361x4

Nothing out of this world but my right knee started leaking again and it's preventing me from being at full strength.

Deadlift 201 5x10 1 min rest

Finished with
50 air squat
(21 pullup and 21 dip split any way I want)
10 hang power clean 135#

in 17: something

March 29

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Workout log March 26, 2013

Wendler Cycle 4 week 2 Bench / Weighted PU
Progress are stalling, I can now confirm that sleeping less than 6 hours a night is not good for recovery

Bench 100x5, 125x5, 150x3, 197.5x3, 210x3, 222.5x3

Weighted PU bw 3x3, 47.5+bw x 3, 62.5+bwx3, 77.5+bwx4 as I write this I realised that I went about 6-7# too heavy on my last three lift. At least one good news today.

Bench 123.75 5x10

Monday, March 25, 2013

Workout Log March 25, 2013

Wendler Cycle 4 week 2 squat

Still not sleeping enough, barely got the weight today on the squat
160x5, 200x5, 240x3, 321x3, 341x3, 361x3

5x10 at 201

Then did a CFFB metcon
OTM 12min
2 touch and go starting from the hang power clean at 160
Max rep chin up

53 chins

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Workout log March 23, 2013

Feeling lazy this morning so went with the main site WOD

for time
20 2pd Kb swing
30 T2B

in 5:10, T2B where really slow

Friday, March 22, 2013

Workout log March 22, 2013

Wendler week 1 cycle 4 Press / Power clean
Not a good day for the press. I wasn't able to complete the 5 rep on the last set. Unless I see some progress in the next two weeks I will reattempt at the same weight in the next cycle

Press 70x5, 88x5, 105x3, 131x5, 140x5, 150x4
couldn't lock the fifth rep. I haven't been focused on training in the last few weeks and it shows

Power Clean: 83x5, 102.5x5, 125x3, 155x5, 165x5, 176x11

That was a new record in term of estimated 1 RM but when you get in the 10+ rep range it isn't as representative, especially on something like the Power clean. It that rep range general conditionning affects the results of that lift

finished with with Press 5x10 at 88 with 1 min rest. did the 3 set 30 sec after the second and burned myself on it. took 90sec before going for the fourth barely got it, waited 60sec and failed at the 9th rep of the fifth set. Not a good day for the press, my lack of focus today lead to stupid mistakes.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Shaved Head challenge, Donate for research to help kids with Leucemia

I accepted to shave my head in May, to help the children with Leucemia. For those interested to donate, I added a link to the charity where you can contribute to the cause.

Thanks everyone. 

Workout Log March 21, 2013

Wendler cycle 4 Deadlift
Deadlift 5x160, 5x201, 3x241, 5x301, 5x321, 7x341. A bit dissapointing, last month I did 9 at 335, but like I said earlier I will take it and let Wendler do is magic

Deadlift 201 5x10 1min rest
This was actually felt as a metcon. After the last rep I felt on the ground breathing heavily and my legs and butt where "bodybuilding" pump

I was running out of time so took 4-5 min rest and did
AMRAP 12 min
75# press 4
75# SDHP 8
75# Front Squat 12

did 6 round. I never got into any kind of rythm. The high rep deadlift had burned me so I slogged through out the workout. I will have to do research to see if there is added value in performing those Metcons in that state.

My knees are still bothering me and I have been very bad with mobility. Nobody else than me to blame on that one.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Workout log March 19, 2013

Wendler cycle 4 Bench/Weighted Pull up

Bench 99x5, 122.5x5, 148x3, 185x5, 198x5, 210x6

Weighted Pull up
2xbw, 3xbw, 2xbw, 5xbw+25, 5xbw+40, 7xbw+55

Bench 123.5 5x10

Monday, March 18, 2013

Workout log March 18, 2013

Saturday March 16, 2013

Starting to get uninspired for Metcons
185# overhead 50steps (I had to go back in forth in an area of about 4 meters)
25 squat 185#
50 yard farmer carry 90# each side

did it in 27:30 the overhead steps were the most painful, cleaning the weight back up every time it fell on the ground

Not much time to write this morning but on Sunday I was very proud of my two oldest son. I coached their School Handball team. Both are playing in the 4th grade league. My oldest in 4 th grade won the provincial tournament. Their team won all their team with at least an advantage of +7 goals, it was a walk in the park.

My second son in 2nd grade played in the same league with a team entirely made of 2nd grader. They were amazing for their age. They almost qualified for the 2nd qualifying round. In their pool the first team had 9 points and the three remaining team had 3. They didn't make the cut based on goal for/against ratio. The 2004-05 kids in my area seems particularly gifted in sports, outperforming in every sport

Monday March 18, 2013

Wendler cycle 4 week 1 Squat
Squat 160x5, 201x5, 241x3,  301x5, 321.5x5, 341x6 weight is getting heavy. Started feeling dizzy after the 5th rep but pushed for one last succesfully

Squat 201 5x10

I was gas after the squat so took a simple metcon to finish

5 rnd
1 min 30 kb swing 2pd
1 min rest

couldn't complete rnd 3 to 5. Usually no problem, but the squat drained me

Friday, March 15, 2013

Workout log March 15, 2013

Wendler cycle 3 deload Press and Power clean

Press 68 4x5, 86x5, 102.5x5

Power Clean 86 4x5, 102.5x5, 121.5x5

I am now getting ready for cycle 4, weights on squat and press are getting "interesting"

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Workout log March 14, 2013

Wendler cycle 3 deload week Deadlift
Deadlit 157.5 4x5, 196x5, 235x5

Then another humility lesson
Open 13.2. I felt it was just perfect, not too long, not too heavy and acting as accessory work for dead

115 push press x5
115 deadlift x10
15  box jump 24"

5 rounds + 15

Box jump where the limiting factors.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Workout log March 12, 2013

Wendler cycle 3 deload week Bench / weighted pull up

Bench 97.5 4x5, 121x5, 145x5

Pull up (did chin up for a change)
all unweighted
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4

I also accepted to shave my head for cancer. Wondering what I will look like, last time I completly shaved my head I was 15-16

Monday, March 11, 2013

Workout log March 11, 2013

Wendler Cycle 3 deload week Squat
4x5 at 157.5, 196x5, 235x5

Today I did the CFFB WOD
5rnd for time
10 strict pull up
15 kb swing 2 pood
3 burpee broad jump (6')

in 11:30. I am getting better at pushing myself through the pain

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Workout log March 9, 2013

Open workout 13.1

Today, I decided to test myself against the rest of the world. This was humbling, I am no where near being able to compete.

I finished the 17 minutes with 113 reps. I maintained a good rythm on the burpee but my snatch is really weak. I was struggling to get singles at 135, had to muscle most of them and I wasted a lot of energy.

Lesson learned, if I ever want to compete I have to spend a serious amount of time on my olympic lift.

My hat to the guys who will do 210 snatch for reps after going through 100 burpees and 90 reps of snatch at lower weight. In five years, the game level went from something an average joe could win to a serious competion requiring a specific and dedicated level of training. These guys and girls are approaching level of perfection in their sports equivalent to olympic and professional level.

How ironic, crossfit prepares you for the unknown in life but you can`t afford to challenge it for real as it can affect your recovery and nutrition and or you simply don`t have the time.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Workout log March 8, 2013

Wendler cycle 3 week 3 Press / Power clean
Press 65x5, 85x5, 102.5x3, 127.5 x5, 145x3, 162.5 x2
I am happy with the results, I finally starts to feel improvement in the press.

Power clean
95x3, 100x5, 120x3, 152.5x5, 172.5x3, 192.5x5
nothing out of the extraordinary today, but given the beating I gave myself on the DL and squat yesterday, it was a decent result.

Press 5x10 at 85. The last three reps where hard

I am starting to understand how beautiful wendler program is. You have to take a step back in look at it on a macro level. Not all my lift are progressing at the same time or at the same speed, but they all seem to be progressing. I use to worry if I wasn't beating my PR (calculated 1RM) on every single last rep.

But what I realised is that there are up and down on all my lift, the important thing is to complete the prescribed lift and the rest is gravy that depends how you recovered/feel that day. If you are in top shape you make a new PR, otherwise you do less and give the body a better chance to recover while still stimulating the muscle to keep growing.

I taught I was about to stall on the press and I felt no progression in the first two cycles, but to my surprise it moved up this month, I think I am good for at least another two month of progression with that one.Seeing how I finally improve on the press, with what I considered suboptimal results and effort in the first two cycles is increasing my faith in the program.

Now, I need to discipline myself next week during my deload week to seriously work on my mobility if I want to continue maintaining an optimal progression. As the load increase on the lower body exercise, my right knee and tight are starting to bother me again.  

On a final note. Yesterday I checked the Crossfit Game Open workout. It is clear now that I am nowhere near the level of fitness required to participate in those games. I am considering trying the workout this weekend and follow how the 45+ are doing and see if in a few years I could have a shot at it. I will probably get stuck in the power snatch 165# which is very close to my 1 rm but it's always fun to compare yourself. 

I don't now if there are any 37+ participant to the game this year, but it would be nice to have the first master level at 40. With the current level of competition, I feel that the 35-45 age don't have a niche anymore to compete. You know you can't keep up with the young guy, but some of us can still have more in the tank then 45+ group. Marketing wise, it would also be interesting for Crossfiter in that age group to have model and reference number to compete against.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Workout log March 7 2013

Wendler Cycle 3 week 3 Deadlift
Having trouble finding time to sleep more than 6 hours a day lately and its showing in my workout. I also switch whey protein, I don't know what other stuff they put in there but I feel restless during the night and can't get a good night sleep. I noticed that all "six star pro nutrition" product have this effect on me. I don't know what crap they are adding in there but I don't react well to it.

Switching back to whey made from the milk of New Zealand grass fed cow. I don't know if it's psychological but they taste less chemical, don't cause any side effect and seem more natural to swallow.

ok results for today
155x5, 195x5, 235x3, 295x5, 335x3, 372.5x2 dissapointing. looks like switching the high rep deadlift might not be a good idea after all. I should have done at least 4 at that weight.

back squat 5x10 at 196

4 round
10 deadlift 195
10 kb swing 2 pood
10 burpee pull up

completly drained after this one.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Workout log March 5, 2013

Wendler cycle 3 week 3 bench press/weighted pull up

Bench 95x5, 120x5, 145x3, 182.5x5, 206x3, 230x2
pissed got bothered by a muscle on the right upper tight and couldn't risk without a spot to do a 3 rep. Got up took 10 second and did an additional rep at 230. This is the proof that the bench press is more than just an upper body exercise.

Weighted pull up  bw x3x3, bw+25 x5, bw+52.5x3, bw+82.5x3 This one went as expected

finished with Bench 5x10 @ 121 (1min rest), fairly easy, tried to be as explosive as possible on each rep.

I am looking forward to take my deload week. The increasing weight is slowly taking a toll on my body and recovery is getting harder and harder. It takes me about two hours after the workout before I am back at 100% of my energy. My right knee is starting to bother me again but that is most probably due to saturday running. Starting now, I will continue to eat clean but will try to increase intake.  I will also do some mobility work focus on my right leg.

I should also work on reducing stress but these days it's not as easy. I am finishing my first contract at the end of the month and I am working on building my marketing story and getting new mandates. I also started this week studying to get my PMP at the end of the month. I did my master in management for technology project so it's mostly review and getting accustomed to the naming convention but it's taking time nonetheless. Last but not least I still have to take care of my wife and my three boys. All this to say that reducing stress and increasing sleep this month will be hard.

Staying busy is what keeps me alive, but I beleive that getting quality rest is also critical for performance, both physically and intellectually. Resting is something, I personally have a hard time doing. I need to work on accepting that I need rest and be ok with not always be doing something "productive". Letting my body rebuild and my brain absorb and process my recent experiences to come back stronger, wiser and smarter.  

Monday, March 4, 2013

Workout log March 4, 2013

Wendler cycle 3, week 3 squat
squat 155x5, 195x5, 235x3, 295x5, 335x3, 372.5x3

I am not happy with the depth on the 372.5 rep. I was just going slightly under //. After I decided to switch the high rep dead and squat to ensure that I squat at least twice a week.

Deadlift 5x10 196. 1 min rest. The high rep deadlift are so hard on me. Felt exhausted after them

I couldn't find any WOD on mainsite in the last few days that was meeting my criteria, so I went to the WOD shop for some help. After one or two try on the random generator I found the following

front squat 95# (taken from the ground)
pull up
500m row (once at the end of each round) (subbed by 50 SDHP)

Goal was to do it in 12. I finished in 13:01. The squat and deadlift were hard on my lower body and it took me around a minute to complete the 21 front squat. The last 50 SDHP took more than two minutes to complete.

Vitamine C seems to have a positive effect on soreness. On saturday after the grueling half hour WOD I took 1.5 g and I haven't felt any soreness yesterday or today. In the past WOD with a lot of running left me sore for a few days afterwards. Only problem is my right knee. It feels tight, I will have to ice it and do some mobility on the muscle around. It usually helps.

Today just took 1g after the workout on top of the usual post-work out meal

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Workout log March 2nd, 2013

Did the WOD I mentioned yesterday
15 squat clean thruster 95

I was aiming for 25-30 range but it took me 31:03. It was painful, I am not used to work in that time domain. But it feels good once in a while.

Given the progress I made this week using short metcons after the heavy work, I will try to stick with that approach and only doing long metcons on Saturday. Weights are getting heavier and the body needs more rest.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Workout log Mar 1, 2013

Wendler cycle 3 week 2 Press / Power Clean

Press 65x5, 85x5, 102.5x3, 136x3, 145x3, 154x4

Power clean 95x4, 100x5, 120x3, 162x3, 172.5x3, 182.5x9

Press 85x5x10

Good day, I felt stronger from the shoulder today and for the first time in week I was able to reach the to beat number on my Android app. Same for power clean. Happy with the results today.

Tomorrow I will go with a longer metcon and some run. I was browsing old workout and found that one interesting for tomorrow
15 squat clean thruster 95#

If the street is clean for running I will give this one a try. aiming to be in the 25-30 min range

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Workout log Feb 28, 2013

Wendler cycle 3 week 2 Deadlift
Deadlift 155x5, 195x5, 230x3, 315x3, 335x3, 352.5x6
Could have pushed for one more but I stopped at 6, I feel that recovery is not optimal so I gave myself a break today
Deadlift 196x5x10

Short and intense metcon today
30 SDLHP 45#
20 wall ball 20#
10 pull up

in 7:40. Tried to keep moving through out the workout keeping rest to a minimum

Finished by 15 minute to remove the snow in front of the house

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Workout log Feb 26, 2013

Wendler cycle 3 week 2 Bench and pullup
Bench 95x5, 125x5, 145x3, 196x3, 206x3, 217.5x5
Weighted Pull up bw x3, bw x3, bw x3, bw +40 x3, bw + 55 x3, bw+67.5 x5

Bench 5x10 at 126

I almost feel like I didn't workout this morning and tomorrow is a rest day. I understand why gym bro spend their time doing upper body exercise, much less taxing than lower body exercise. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

4th grader Handball Regional Gold medal and Workout log Feb 25, 2013

Feb 23, 2013 workout log
Started my Saturday early, my two oldest son were competing in the Handball regional competion and had soccer practice later.

Did the mainsite WOD Hope for Kenya
AMRAP 12 min
50 squat
30 push up
15 pull up

did 3 round + 39 squat, no warmup at 6:20 am

then rushed to get the two little guy ready for their tournament. Also important to mention I am the coach of my 4th grader.

So there is that school, Simon-Vanier. They haven't loss a single game in the entire season. Our team lost one and it was against them 7-5. They are ranked #1 and we are #2. The first team is playing against the fourth in semi and we are playing against the third. We all know that winning the semi is going to be easy for both team.

All season we have been talking about taking our revenge against them and we know that this will be our chance. The tension in the team is really high, everybody is pump and wants to win. As I watch the game for the 3rd place, the Simon Vanier team enters the gym. I look at them, they are very relax and seems highly confident that it's going to be another easy one.

5 min before the game. I know that our team improved a lot since the beginning of the season but my legs are shaking. Stress of the game and knowing that right now I am playing to win, not to devellop the kids. All season, for all games I have been using a fair rotations, making sure that everybody had the same amount of time on the court. All the guys are used to that way of working, and now I will change that.

So I go with my best goalie, and the top four player plus one weaker one to start. I still want to make sure everybody will have at least a few minutes of play. I hope we can take the lead by a few goal at some point and put the weakest player in. But that moment never happened. The game finished 11-10 with a goal from our team with 25 sec left in the game. They counter attacked but my son blocked the shot and the buzzer rang. What an amazing moment. I never taught I could be so excited to win a 4th grader competition. At the end of the game I was completly exhausted.

But right after the celebration I started to feel bad, because I realised that our weakest player didn't even played a second on the court. I started questioning my role and the impact my decision to win at almost all cost, would or could impact that child. I also knew that he was cut from the team that was going to the Provincial competition.

I see good and bad from this situation. The impact also depends on the individual and their reactions towards failure. I would say that 95% of the kids/parents where really happy with my call, because we won the competition, but inside this is not a complete victory for me. I wished I would have been able to have the 10 years boy contribute, even if it's just for 15 sec to that victory. Being a coach wasn't easy here. Winning at the cost of demotivating some of your players for the next game and potentially altering the winning chemistry we were able to build.

By taking a step back, I realised that coaching that 4 grader team was similar in a lot of way to what I have been doing for more than 10 years now with adult professional. When you manage a group, they are a lot of compromise to make and no clear right answers. You can't always make the right decision, especially when under a lot of pressure with little time to think, but the important is to be able to take time to reflect on it after, understand the potential impact of your decision and work hard on compensating to restore a positive equilibrium.

Workout log Feb 25, 2013

Wendler cycle 3 week 2 squat

155x5, 195x5, 235x3, 315x3, 335x3, 352.5x4

I finished with grace as Rxd in 6:08. Never dropping the weight from the top. It was hard. I am slowly relearning to push myself even when I think my body can't take it. I almost puked.

It feels almost unatural at time to jump on the bar when your body is telling you that it can't anymore, to eventually realised that it actually could (until you feel like your pre-workout shake is about to come back up). I decided to add 1000mg of vit C post workout, according to some article I read it supposed to be good for recovery due to it's antioxidant properties. Will give it a try and see how it translates to my performance

Post workout I weighted 192 

Friday, February 22, 2013

Workout Log Feb 22, 2013

Wendler cycle 3 week 1 press
Press 65x5, 85x5, 102.5x3, 127.5x5, 136x5, 145x5

Press isn't increasing on Wendler. We will see how it goes but I am worry that next month I will have to do a reset on the press. I probably started it too high to begin with.

Power clean
95x4, 100x5, 121x3, 152.5x5, 162.5x5, 172.5x11

That a new PR. Even with the back slightly wrecked from yesterday's deadlift, I was still able to PR on the clean. Lower back strength is really catching up on Wendler. It was always the limiting factor on clean and DL. Looks like my lower respond well to a lot of volume.

I finished with 5x10 press at 86# with 1 min rest. I struggled to complete the last two sets. I am really getting close to my limit on the press.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Workout log Feb 21, 2013

Wendler cycle 3 week 1 DL
Deadlift 157.25x5, 195x5, 235x3, 295x5, 315x5, 335x9

5x10 at 196

really happy with the results. My DL is steadily increasing. I always had a hard time improving it and Wendler seems to be doing the trick. According to my calculator 335x9 puts me at a 1 rm of 435.

Yesterday I ate a ton of potatoes during the day and when I weighted myself at night I was around 199. This morning after the workout I was back at 194. My weight seems to yoyo 5-7 pounds even within a single days. I should be more careful with my hydration. I will make an effort to drink more water

finished with
power clean 95

managed to get it done in 6:43. The heavy DL killed my explosion and I had to muscle most of the power clean. DL day is the most demanding day, doing a WOD after all the lifting, even a short one like today, is demanding so much.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Workout Log Feb 19, 2013

Wendler cycle 3 week 1 bench
Bench 97.5x5, 121x5, 145x3, 182.5x5, 195x5, 206x7
given that I lost weight this was a good result

weigthed pull up
3x3 unweighted PU, (193+25)x5, (193+40)x5, (193+52.5)x7

I finished with Bench 5x10 at 121 1 min rest

Not much else to report today. The program seems to allow me to maintain my strenght while loosing weight. Long Crossfit WOD + no more GOMAD makes it difficult to add weight.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Workout log Feb 18, 2013

Workout log Feb 15, 2013
On Saturday my second son had a soccer tournament and I had to be there at 6:30 in the morning. I decided to to my Saturday WOD on Friday Feb 14 instead.

7 rounds
7 push jerk 155
7 C2B pullup
7 burpee

it took me 20:35 and I was completly washed. I am not used to workout in late afternoon. I even had a hard time sleeping that night.

I noticed that mainsite increased the weight of his WOD in the last two years. Today I was push jerk 155 and the other day there was 205# front squat programed. In 2009-10 you would rarely see anything overhead above 95 and squat above 150 in a WOD. Personnaly I think it's a good thing, but I doubt that anyone now can do this WOD as Rxd without any additionnal strength training.

I wonder how long someone who never trainend before can reach those numbers in a WOD by doing only mainsite programming. Strength takes constant progressive effort on a long period to build nothing mainsite offers.

Wendler cycle 3 week 1 squat

I keep on loosing weight. This morning I was around 192. It is impacting my results.

Squat 155x5, 195x5, 230x3, 295x5, 315x5, 335x6 frustrated I don't eat enough carbs, after the 6th rep I was feeling dizzy and I had to rerack. When you don't eat grains it's hard to get the proper amount of carbs. You have to eat a lot of bananas and potatoes. If weight keeps on going down I will add a heavy carb meal here in there in the week to refill my glucogene stores.

Squat 196x5x10

AMRAP 15 minutes
10 2pood KB swing
10 box jump 24"
10 ring dip

7 rounds + 10 swing

the last minutes had me pumping hard, but I was able to better pace myself at least during the first 10 minutes, I was able to keep going without having to stop to catch my breath every few reps