Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Workout log April 16, 2013

Wendler cycle 5 week 1 Bench / weigthed PU

body weight today around 192. Body composition keeps on improving. I noticed a significant improvement since I started taking vit C. Not sure there is a link since it also corresponds with heavy weights approaching my max. I increased water intake but I still have my cheeks flushing. I had the same reaction when I started vit D.

I will do some research to figure out if there is some kind of link.

100x5, 125x5, 150x3, 190x5, 201x5, 215x5 last rep was hard

weighted PU
3x3 bw, bw+32.5 x5, bw+47.5 x5, bw+62.5 x6

5x10 at 126

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

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