Friday, March 8, 2013

Workout log March 8, 2013

Wendler cycle 3 week 3 Press / Power clean
Press 65x5, 85x5, 102.5x3, 127.5 x5, 145x3, 162.5 x2
I am happy with the results, I finally starts to feel improvement in the press.

Power clean
95x3, 100x5, 120x3, 152.5x5, 172.5x3, 192.5x5
nothing out of the extraordinary today, but given the beating I gave myself on the DL and squat yesterday, it was a decent result.

Press 5x10 at 85. The last three reps where hard

I am starting to understand how beautiful wendler program is. You have to take a step back in look at it on a macro level. Not all my lift are progressing at the same time or at the same speed, but they all seem to be progressing. I use to worry if I wasn't beating my PR (calculated 1RM) on every single last rep.

But what I realised is that there are up and down on all my lift, the important thing is to complete the prescribed lift and the rest is gravy that depends how you recovered/feel that day. If you are in top shape you make a new PR, otherwise you do less and give the body a better chance to recover while still stimulating the muscle to keep growing.

I taught I was about to stall on the press and I felt no progression in the first two cycles, but to my surprise it moved up this month, I think I am good for at least another two month of progression with that one.Seeing how I finally improve on the press, with what I considered suboptimal results and effort in the first two cycles is increasing my faith in the program.

Now, I need to discipline myself next week during my deload week to seriously work on my mobility if I want to continue maintaining an optimal progression. As the load increase on the lower body exercise, my right knee and tight are starting to bother me again.  

On a final note. Yesterday I checked the Crossfit Game Open workout. It is clear now that I am nowhere near the level of fitness required to participate in those games. I am considering trying the workout this weekend and follow how the 45+ are doing and see if in a few years I could have a shot at it. I will probably get stuck in the power snatch 165# which is very close to my 1 rm but it's always fun to compare yourself. 

I don't now if there are any 37+ participant to the game this year, but it would be nice to have the first master level at 40. With the current level of competition, I feel that the 35-45 age don't have a niche anymore to compete. You know you can't keep up with the young guy, but some of us can still have more in the tank then 45+ group. Marketing wise, it would also be interesting for Crossfiter in that age group to have model and reference number to compete against.

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