Monday, March 18, 2013

Workout log March 18, 2013

Saturday March 16, 2013

Starting to get uninspired for Metcons
185# overhead 50steps (I had to go back in forth in an area of about 4 meters)
25 squat 185#
50 yard farmer carry 90# each side

did it in 27:30 the overhead steps were the most painful, cleaning the weight back up every time it fell on the ground

Not much time to write this morning but on Sunday I was very proud of my two oldest son. I coached their School Handball team. Both are playing in the 4th grade league. My oldest in 4 th grade won the provincial tournament. Their team won all their team with at least an advantage of +7 goals, it was a walk in the park.

My second son in 2nd grade played in the same league with a team entirely made of 2nd grader. They were amazing for their age. They almost qualified for the 2nd qualifying round. In their pool the first team had 9 points and the three remaining team had 3. They didn't make the cut based on goal for/against ratio. The 2004-05 kids in my area seems particularly gifted in sports, outperforming in every sport

Monday March 18, 2013

Wendler cycle 4 week 1 Squat
Squat 160x5, 201x5, 241x3,  301x5, 321.5x5, 341x6 weight is getting heavy. Started feeling dizzy after the 5th rep but pushed for one last succesfully

Squat 201 5x10

I was gas after the squat so took a simple metcon to finish

5 rnd
1 min 30 kb swing 2pd
1 min rest

couldn't complete rnd 3 to 5. Usually no problem, but the squat drained me

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