Thursday, October 3, 2013

Workout log October 3rd 2013

Wendler Deadlift cycle 1 week 1
Deadlift warm up sets, 275x5, 315x5, 356x5 I missed the 6th rep

Deadlift 5x10 at 210 with 1 min rest. that was easy except for the conditionning aspect of it. I was breathing really hard at the end

October 1
Wendler Bench cycle 1 week 1
Bench warm up sets; 170x5, 196x5, 222.5 x4 failed the fifth rep due to a bad movement on the third rep that took out some wind out of me

Walking lunges step
thruster 95
knee 2 elbow

took me around 30min:30s
After that workout I was destroyed but went ahead and tried to complete

Bench 5x10 at 130 with 1 min rest. I failed on set 4 and 5 around rep 7,8. Had to rerack take a few second and complete the reps. Doing the 10' rep after the conditionning was not a good idea