Friday, March 29, 2013

Workout Log March 28 and 29, 2013

March 29
Wendler cycle 4 week 2 Press and Power clean
Press 70x5, 85x5, 102.5x3, 140x3, 150x3, 157.5x2
I will not increase weight on the press this month.

Power clean 82.5x5, 100x5, 125x3, 166x3, 176x3, 186x6 missed the 7 rep

Press 87.5 5x10 last set was really hard to complete

March 28 
Wendler cycle 4 week 2 Deadlift
Deadlift 160x5, 200x5, 240x4(wasn't concentrated and did an extra rep), 320x3, 341x3, 361x4

Nothing out of this world but my right knee started leaking again and it's preventing me from being at full strength.

Deadlift 201 5x10 1 min rest

Finished with
50 air squat
(21 pullup and 21 dip split any way I want)
10 hang power clean 135#

in 17: something

March 29

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Workout log March 26, 2013

Wendler Cycle 4 week 2 Bench / Weighted PU
Progress are stalling, I can now confirm that sleeping less than 6 hours a night is not good for recovery

Bench 100x5, 125x5, 150x3, 197.5x3, 210x3, 222.5x3

Weighted PU bw 3x3, 47.5+bw x 3, 62.5+bwx3, 77.5+bwx4 as I write this I realised that I went about 6-7# too heavy on my last three lift. At least one good news today.

Bench 123.75 5x10

Monday, March 25, 2013

Workout Log March 25, 2013

Wendler Cycle 4 week 2 squat

Still not sleeping enough, barely got the weight today on the squat
160x5, 200x5, 240x3, 321x3, 341x3, 361x3

5x10 at 201

Then did a CFFB metcon
OTM 12min
2 touch and go starting from the hang power clean at 160
Max rep chin up

53 chins

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Workout log March 23, 2013

Feeling lazy this morning so went with the main site WOD

for time
20 2pd Kb swing
30 T2B

in 5:10, T2B where really slow

Friday, March 22, 2013

Workout log March 22, 2013

Wendler week 1 cycle 4 Press / Power clean
Not a good day for the press. I wasn't able to complete the 5 rep on the last set. Unless I see some progress in the next two weeks I will reattempt at the same weight in the next cycle

Press 70x5, 88x5, 105x3, 131x5, 140x5, 150x4
couldn't lock the fifth rep. I haven't been focused on training in the last few weeks and it shows

Power Clean: 83x5, 102.5x5, 125x3, 155x5, 165x5, 176x11

That was a new record in term of estimated 1 RM but when you get in the 10+ rep range it isn't as representative, especially on something like the Power clean. It that rep range general conditionning affects the results of that lift

finished with with Press 5x10 at 88 with 1 min rest. did the 3 set 30 sec after the second and burned myself on it. took 90sec before going for the fourth barely got it, waited 60sec and failed at the 9th rep of the fifth set. Not a good day for the press, my lack of focus today lead to stupid mistakes.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Shaved Head challenge, Donate for research to help kids with Leucemia

I accepted to shave my head in May, to help the children with Leucemia. For those interested to donate, I added a link to the charity where you can contribute to the cause.

Thanks everyone. 

Workout Log March 21, 2013

Wendler cycle 4 Deadlift
Deadlift 5x160, 5x201, 3x241, 5x301, 5x321, 7x341. A bit dissapointing, last month I did 9 at 335, but like I said earlier I will take it and let Wendler do is magic

Deadlift 201 5x10 1min rest
This was actually felt as a metcon. After the last rep I felt on the ground breathing heavily and my legs and butt where "bodybuilding" pump

I was running out of time so took 4-5 min rest and did
AMRAP 12 min
75# press 4
75# SDHP 8
75# Front Squat 12

did 6 round. I never got into any kind of rythm. The high rep deadlift had burned me so I slogged through out the workout. I will have to do research to see if there is added value in performing those Metcons in that state.

My knees are still bothering me and I have been very bad with mobility. Nobody else than me to blame on that one.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Workout log March 19, 2013

Wendler cycle 4 Bench/Weighted Pull up

Bench 99x5, 122.5x5, 148x3, 185x5, 198x5, 210x6

Weighted Pull up
2xbw, 3xbw, 2xbw, 5xbw+25, 5xbw+40, 7xbw+55

Bench 123.5 5x10

Monday, March 18, 2013

Workout log March 18, 2013

Saturday March 16, 2013

Starting to get uninspired for Metcons
185# overhead 50steps (I had to go back in forth in an area of about 4 meters)
25 squat 185#
50 yard farmer carry 90# each side

did it in 27:30 the overhead steps were the most painful, cleaning the weight back up every time it fell on the ground

Not much time to write this morning but on Sunday I was very proud of my two oldest son. I coached their School Handball team. Both are playing in the 4th grade league. My oldest in 4 th grade won the provincial tournament. Their team won all their team with at least an advantage of +7 goals, it was a walk in the park.

My second son in 2nd grade played in the same league with a team entirely made of 2nd grader. They were amazing for their age. They almost qualified for the 2nd qualifying round. In their pool the first team had 9 points and the three remaining team had 3. They didn't make the cut based on goal for/against ratio. The 2004-05 kids in my area seems particularly gifted in sports, outperforming in every sport

Monday March 18, 2013

Wendler cycle 4 week 1 Squat
Squat 160x5, 201x5, 241x3,  301x5, 321.5x5, 341x6 weight is getting heavy. Started feeling dizzy after the 5th rep but pushed for one last succesfully

Squat 201 5x10

I was gas after the squat so took a simple metcon to finish

5 rnd
1 min 30 kb swing 2pd
1 min rest

couldn't complete rnd 3 to 5. Usually no problem, but the squat drained me

Friday, March 15, 2013

Workout log March 15, 2013

Wendler cycle 3 deload Press and Power clean

Press 68 4x5, 86x5, 102.5x5

Power Clean 86 4x5, 102.5x5, 121.5x5

I am now getting ready for cycle 4, weights on squat and press are getting "interesting"

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Workout log March 14, 2013

Wendler cycle 3 deload week Deadlift
Deadlit 157.5 4x5, 196x5, 235x5

Then another humility lesson
Open 13.2. I felt it was just perfect, not too long, not too heavy and acting as accessory work for dead

115 push press x5
115 deadlift x10
15  box jump 24"

5 rounds + 15

Box jump where the limiting factors.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Workout log March 12, 2013

Wendler cycle 3 deload week Bench / weighted pull up

Bench 97.5 4x5, 121x5, 145x5

Pull up (did chin up for a change)
all unweighted
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4

I also accepted to shave my head for cancer. Wondering what I will look like, last time I completly shaved my head I was 15-16

Monday, March 11, 2013

Workout log March 11, 2013

Wendler Cycle 3 deload week Squat
4x5 at 157.5, 196x5, 235x5

Today I did the CFFB WOD
5rnd for time
10 strict pull up
15 kb swing 2 pood
3 burpee broad jump (6')

in 11:30. I am getting better at pushing myself through the pain

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Workout log March 9, 2013

Open workout 13.1

Today, I decided to test myself against the rest of the world. This was humbling, I am no where near being able to compete.

I finished the 17 minutes with 113 reps. I maintained a good rythm on the burpee but my snatch is really weak. I was struggling to get singles at 135, had to muscle most of them and I wasted a lot of energy.

Lesson learned, if I ever want to compete I have to spend a serious amount of time on my olympic lift.

My hat to the guys who will do 210 snatch for reps after going through 100 burpees and 90 reps of snatch at lower weight. In five years, the game level went from something an average joe could win to a serious competion requiring a specific and dedicated level of training. These guys and girls are approaching level of perfection in their sports equivalent to olympic and professional level.

How ironic, crossfit prepares you for the unknown in life but you can`t afford to challenge it for real as it can affect your recovery and nutrition and or you simply don`t have the time.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Workout log March 8, 2013

Wendler cycle 3 week 3 Press / Power clean
Press 65x5, 85x5, 102.5x3, 127.5 x5, 145x3, 162.5 x2
I am happy with the results, I finally starts to feel improvement in the press.

Power clean
95x3, 100x5, 120x3, 152.5x5, 172.5x3, 192.5x5
nothing out of the extraordinary today, but given the beating I gave myself on the DL and squat yesterday, it was a decent result.

Press 5x10 at 85. The last three reps where hard

I am starting to understand how beautiful wendler program is. You have to take a step back in look at it on a macro level. Not all my lift are progressing at the same time or at the same speed, but they all seem to be progressing. I use to worry if I wasn't beating my PR (calculated 1RM) on every single last rep.

But what I realised is that there are up and down on all my lift, the important thing is to complete the prescribed lift and the rest is gravy that depends how you recovered/feel that day. If you are in top shape you make a new PR, otherwise you do less and give the body a better chance to recover while still stimulating the muscle to keep growing.

I taught I was about to stall on the press and I felt no progression in the first two cycles, but to my surprise it moved up this month, I think I am good for at least another two month of progression with that one.Seeing how I finally improve on the press, with what I considered suboptimal results and effort in the first two cycles is increasing my faith in the program.

Now, I need to discipline myself next week during my deload week to seriously work on my mobility if I want to continue maintaining an optimal progression. As the load increase on the lower body exercise, my right knee and tight are starting to bother me again.  

On a final note. Yesterday I checked the Crossfit Game Open workout. It is clear now that I am nowhere near the level of fitness required to participate in those games. I am considering trying the workout this weekend and follow how the 45+ are doing and see if in a few years I could have a shot at it. I will probably get stuck in the power snatch 165# which is very close to my 1 rm but it's always fun to compare yourself. 

I don't now if there are any 37+ participant to the game this year, but it would be nice to have the first master level at 40. With the current level of competition, I feel that the 35-45 age don't have a niche anymore to compete. You know you can't keep up with the young guy, but some of us can still have more in the tank then 45+ group. Marketing wise, it would also be interesting for Crossfiter in that age group to have model and reference number to compete against.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Workout log March 7 2013

Wendler Cycle 3 week 3 Deadlift
Having trouble finding time to sleep more than 6 hours a day lately and its showing in my workout. I also switch whey protein, I don't know what other stuff they put in there but I feel restless during the night and can't get a good night sleep. I noticed that all "six star pro nutrition" product have this effect on me. I don't know what crap they are adding in there but I don't react well to it.

Switching back to whey made from the milk of New Zealand grass fed cow. I don't know if it's psychological but they taste less chemical, don't cause any side effect and seem more natural to swallow.

ok results for today
155x5, 195x5, 235x3, 295x5, 335x3, 372.5x2 dissapointing. looks like switching the high rep deadlift might not be a good idea after all. I should have done at least 4 at that weight.

back squat 5x10 at 196

4 round
10 deadlift 195
10 kb swing 2 pood
10 burpee pull up

completly drained after this one.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Workout log March 5, 2013

Wendler cycle 3 week 3 bench press/weighted pull up

Bench 95x5, 120x5, 145x3, 182.5x5, 206x3, 230x2
pissed got bothered by a muscle on the right upper tight and couldn't risk without a spot to do a 3 rep. Got up took 10 second and did an additional rep at 230. This is the proof that the bench press is more than just an upper body exercise.

Weighted pull up  bw x3x3, bw+25 x5, bw+52.5x3, bw+82.5x3 This one went as expected

finished with Bench 5x10 @ 121 (1min rest), fairly easy, tried to be as explosive as possible on each rep.

I am looking forward to take my deload week. The increasing weight is slowly taking a toll on my body and recovery is getting harder and harder. It takes me about two hours after the workout before I am back at 100% of my energy. My right knee is starting to bother me again but that is most probably due to saturday running. Starting now, I will continue to eat clean but will try to increase intake.  I will also do some mobility work focus on my right leg.

I should also work on reducing stress but these days it's not as easy. I am finishing my first contract at the end of the month and I am working on building my marketing story and getting new mandates. I also started this week studying to get my PMP at the end of the month. I did my master in management for technology project so it's mostly review and getting accustomed to the naming convention but it's taking time nonetheless. Last but not least I still have to take care of my wife and my three boys. All this to say that reducing stress and increasing sleep this month will be hard.

Staying busy is what keeps me alive, but I beleive that getting quality rest is also critical for performance, both physically and intellectually. Resting is something, I personally have a hard time doing. I need to work on accepting that I need rest and be ok with not always be doing something "productive". Letting my body rebuild and my brain absorb and process my recent experiences to come back stronger, wiser and smarter.  

Monday, March 4, 2013

Workout log March 4, 2013

Wendler cycle 3, week 3 squat
squat 155x5, 195x5, 235x3, 295x5, 335x3, 372.5x3

I am not happy with the depth on the 372.5 rep. I was just going slightly under //. After I decided to switch the high rep dead and squat to ensure that I squat at least twice a week.

Deadlift 5x10 196. 1 min rest. The high rep deadlift are so hard on me. Felt exhausted after them

I couldn't find any WOD on mainsite in the last few days that was meeting my criteria, so I went to the WOD shop for some help. After one or two try on the random generator I found the following

front squat 95# (taken from the ground)
pull up
500m row (once at the end of each round) (subbed by 50 SDHP)

Goal was to do it in 12. I finished in 13:01. The squat and deadlift were hard on my lower body and it took me around a minute to complete the 21 front squat. The last 50 SDHP took more than two minutes to complete.

Vitamine C seems to have a positive effect on soreness. On saturday after the grueling half hour WOD I took 1.5 g and I haven't felt any soreness yesterday or today. In the past WOD with a lot of running left me sore for a few days afterwards. Only problem is my right knee. It feels tight, I will have to ice it and do some mobility on the muscle around. It usually helps.

Today just took 1g after the workout on top of the usual post-work out meal

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Workout log March 2nd, 2013

Did the WOD I mentioned yesterday
15 squat clean thruster 95

I was aiming for 25-30 range but it took me 31:03. It was painful, I am not used to work in that time domain. But it feels good once in a while.

Given the progress I made this week using short metcons after the heavy work, I will try to stick with that approach and only doing long metcons on Saturday. Weights are getting heavier and the body needs more rest.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Workout log Mar 1, 2013

Wendler cycle 3 week 2 Press / Power Clean

Press 65x5, 85x5, 102.5x3, 136x3, 145x3, 154x4

Power clean 95x4, 100x5, 120x3, 162x3, 172.5x3, 182.5x9

Press 85x5x10

Good day, I felt stronger from the shoulder today and for the first time in week I was able to reach the to beat number on my Android app. Same for power clean. Happy with the results today.

Tomorrow I will go with a longer metcon and some run. I was browsing old workout and found that one interesting for tomorrow
15 squat clean thruster 95#

If the street is clean for running I will give this one a try. aiming to be in the 25-30 min range