Thursday, February 28, 2013

Workout log Feb 28, 2013

Wendler cycle 3 week 2 Deadlift
Deadlift 155x5, 195x5, 230x3, 315x3, 335x3, 352.5x6
Could have pushed for one more but I stopped at 6, I feel that recovery is not optimal so I gave myself a break today
Deadlift 196x5x10

Short and intense metcon today
30 SDLHP 45#
20 wall ball 20#
10 pull up

in 7:40. Tried to keep moving through out the workout keeping rest to a minimum

Finished by 15 minute to remove the snow in front of the house

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Workout log Feb 26, 2013

Wendler cycle 3 week 2 Bench and pullup
Bench 95x5, 125x5, 145x3, 196x3, 206x3, 217.5x5
Weighted Pull up bw x3, bw x3, bw x3, bw +40 x3, bw + 55 x3, bw+67.5 x5

Bench 5x10 at 126

I almost feel like I didn't workout this morning and tomorrow is a rest day. I understand why gym bro spend their time doing upper body exercise, much less taxing than lower body exercise. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

4th grader Handball Regional Gold medal and Workout log Feb 25, 2013

Feb 23, 2013 workout log
Started my Saturday early, my two oldest son were competing in the Handball regional competion and had soccer practice later.

Did the mainsite WOD Hope for Kenya
AMRAP 12 min
50 squat
30 push up
15 pull up

did 3 round + 39 squat, no warmup at 6:20 am

then rushed to get the two little guy ready for their tournament. Also important to mention I am the coach of my 4th grader.

So there is that school, Simon-Vanier. They haven't loss a single game in the entire season. Our team lost one and it was against them 7-5. They are ranked #1 and we are #2. The first team is playing against the fourth in semi and we are playing against the third. We all know that winning the semi is going to be easy for both team.

All season we have been talking about taking our revenge against them and we know that this will be our chance. The tension in the team is really high, everybody is pump and wants to win. As I watch the game for the 3rd place, the Simon Vanier team enters the gym. I look at them, they are very relax and seems highly confident that it's going to be another easy one.

5 min before the game. I know that our team improved a lot since the beginning of the season but my legs are shaking. Stress of the game and knowing that right now I am playing to win, not to devellop the kids. All season, for all games I have been using a fair rotations, making sure that everybody had the same amount of time on the court. All the guys are used to that way of working, and now I will change that.

So I go with my best goalie, and the top four player plus one weaker one to start. I still want to make sure everybody will have at least a few minutes of play. I hope we can take the lead by a few goal at some point and put the weakest player in. But that moment never happened. The game finished 11-10 with a goal from our team with 25 sec left in the game. They counter attacked but my son blocked the shot and the buzzer rang. What an amazing moment. I never taught I could be so excited to win a 4th grader competition. At the end of the game I was completly exhausted.

But right after the celebration I started to feel bad, because I realised that our weakest player didn't even played a second on the court. I started questioning my role and the impact my decision to win at almost all cost, would or could impact that child. I also knew that he was cut from the team that was going to the Provincial competition.

I see good and bad from this situation. The impact also depends on the individual and their reactions towards failure. I would say that 95% of the kids/parents where really happy with my call, because we won the competition, but inside this is not a complete victory for me. I wished I would have been able to have the 10 years boy contribute, even if it's just for 15 sec to that victory. Being a coach wasn't easy here. Winning at the cost of demotivating some of your players for the next game and potentially altering the winning chemistry we were able to build.

By taking a step back, I realised that coaching that 4 grader team was similar in a lot of way to what I have been doing for more than 10 years now with adult professional. When you manage a group, they are a lot of compromise to make and no clear right answers. You can't always make the right decision, especially when under a lot of pressure with little time to think, but the important is to be able to take time to reflect on it after, understand the potential impact of your decision and work hard on compensating to restore a positive equilibrium.

Workout log Feb 25, 2013

Wendler cycle 3 week 2 squat

155x5, 195x5, 235x3, 315x3, 335x3, 352.5x4

I finished with grace as Rxd in 6:08. Never dropping the weight from the top. It was hard. I am slowly relearning to push myself even when I think my body can't take it. I almost puked.

It feels almost unatural at time to jump on the bar when your body is telling you that it can't anymore, to eventually realised that it actually could (until you feel like your pre-workout shake is about to come back up). I decided to add 1000mg of vit C post workout, according to some article I read it supposed to be good for recovery due to it's antioxidant properties. Will give it a try and see how it translates to my performance

Post workout I weighted 192 

Friday, February 22, 2013

Workout Log Feb 22, 2013

Wendler cycle 3 week 1 press
Press 65x5, 85x5, 102.5x3, 127.5x5, 136x5, 145x5

Press isn't increasing on Wendler. We will see how it goes but I am worry that next month I will have to do a reset on the press. I probably started it too high to begin with.

Power clean
95x4, 100x5, 121x3, 152.5x5, 162.5x5, 172.5x11

That a new PR. Even with the back slightly wrecked from yesterday's deadlift, I was still able to PR on the clean. Lower back strength is really catching up on Wendler. It was always the limiting factor on clean and DL. Looks like my lower respond well to a lot of volume.

I finished with 5x10 press at 86# with 1 min rest. I struggled to complete the last two sets. I am really getting close to my limit on the press.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Workout log Feb 21, 2013

Wendler cycle 3 week 1 DL
Deadlift 157.25x5, 195x5, 235x3, 295x5, 315x5, 335x9

5x10 at 196

really happy with the results. My DL is steadily increasing. I always had a hard time improving it and Wendler seems to be doing the trick. According to my calculator 335x9 puts me at a 1 rm of 435.

Yesterday I ate a ton of potatoes during the day and when I weighted myself at night I was around 199. This morning after the workout I was back at 194. My weight seems to yoyo 5-7 pounds even within a single days. I should be more careful with my hydration. I will make an effort to drink more water

finished with
power clean 95

managed to get it done in 6:43. The heavy DL killed my explosion and I had to muscle most of the power clean. DL day is the most demanding day, doing a WOD after all the lifting, even a short one like today, is demanding so much.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Workout Log Feb 19, 2013

Wendler cycle 3 week 1 bench
Bench 97.5x5, 121x5, 145x3, 182.5x5, 195x5, 206x7
given that I lost weight this was a good result

weigthed pull up
3x3 unweighted PU, (193+25)x5, (193+40)x5, (193+52.5)x7

I finished with Bench 5x10 at 121 1 min rest

Not much else to report today. The program seems to allow me to maintain my strenght while loosing weight. Long Crossfit WOD + no more GOMAD makes it difficult to add weight.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Workout log Feb 18, 2013

Workout log Feb 15, 2013
On Saturday my second son had a soccer tournament and I had to be there at 6:30 in the morning. I decided to to my Saturday WOD on Friday Feb 14 instead.

7 rounds
7 push jerk 155
7 C2B pullup
7 burpee

it took me 20:35 and I was completly washed. I am not used to workout in late afternoon. I even had a hard time sleeping that night.

I noticed that mainsite increased the weight of his WOD in the last two years. Today I was push jerk 155 and the other day there was 205# front squat programed. In 2009-10 you would rarely see anything overhead above 95 and squat above 150 in a WOD. Personnaly I think it's a good thing, but I doubt that anyone now can do this WOD as Rxd without any additionnal strength training.

I wonder how long someone who never trainend before can reach those numbers in a WOD by doing only mainsite programming. Strength takes constant progressive effort on a long period to build nothing mainsite offers.

Wendler cycle 3 week 1 squat

I keep on loosing weight. This morning I was around 192. It is impacting my results.

Squat 155x5, 195x5, 230x3, 295x5, 315x5, 335x6 frustrated I don't eat enough carbs, after the 6th rep I was feeling dizzy and I had to rerack. When you don't eat grains it's hard to get the proper amount of carbs. You have to eat a lot of bananas and potatoes. If weight keeps on going down I will add a heavy carb meal here in there in the week to refill my glucogene stores.

Squat 196x5x10

AMRAP 15 minutes
10 2pood KB swing
10 box jump 24"
10 ring dip

7 rounds + 10 swing

the last minutes had me pumping hard, but I was able to better pace myself at least during the first 10 minutes, I was able to keep going without having to stop to catch my breath every few reps

Friday, February 15, 2013

Workout log, Feb 15, 2013

Wendler cycle 2 week 4 Press 
Press  65 4x5, 82.5x5, 100x5 Deload

Power clean 80x4x5, 100x5, 120x5 Deload

Ready to start cycle 3 next week. The weights are almost in my "Heavy" range.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Workout log Feb 14, 2013

Wendler cycle 2 week 4 Deadlift
Deadlift 155x4x5, 192.5x5, 230x5 Deload

Warm temperature today (-1C) perfect opportunity to do a running WOD. I remember how good I felt after running. It's difficult to express the feeling. You feel like your lungs and blood were cleaned from all the crap that was stuck inside. So I decided to do the
2min rest

When I was training on main site exclusively and weighting 185, I used to run at least the first two 800 under 3 min. in the 2:55-3:00 range.

Today at 194 my times where 3:15, 4:00 and 3:55. First run was acceptable but I crashed on the other two. Still a long way from my pre CFFB performance. I must add that I am not yet 100% fully recovered from the bug that attacked my throat last week.

For those who think that they can maintain high level of conditionning on CFFB alone, from personnal experience I can tell you that it won't happen. It's a great program for building strength and explosion while keeping an acceptable level of conditionning, but it won't keep you at a below 20 min 5k, or with the metabolic engine to seriously compete in crossfit competition.

And that is fine, because nowhere John W. claims that it will. His program does exactly what it says, build power athlete. Which brings us back to "what are your goal? Choose a program accordingly".

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Workout log Feb 12, 2013

Wendler cycle 2, week 4 (Deload) Bench

Bench 95x4x5, 120x5, 143x5
Pull up 5,5,5

Wow, I don't even feel like I trained today. I am enjoying that deload week. I have a feeling that they will be more and more appreciated as time goes by.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Workout Log Feb 11, 2013

Saturday Feb 9, 2013
Crossfit main site WOD
2rnd for time
100 Double under
 50 shoulder to overhead 95#
25 toe to the bar


Conditionning is still way off.

On Sunday coached my son's handball team at a elementary school provincial tournament. The team was a notch above all the other and easily won the tournament. If I have time I will write a little something on my experience at the tournament.

Wendler cycle 2, Deload week squat
squat 153.5x4x5, 192.5x5, 230x5

then for time
100 SDHP 45#
50 thruster 45#
30 pull up
 in 8: 08

not too bad, but I still don't feel like the workout is flowing. Lungs are still the limiting factors. I have to frequently stop to catch my breath.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Workout log February 8, 2013

Wendler cycle 2 week 3 Press

Sore throat is slowly getting better, but still preventing me from eating and sleeping as much as I need. I weighted 192 this morning, still loosing weight and probably a little strength. Looking more and more like an underfed male underwear model.

Press 65x5, 85x5, 100x3, 125 x5, 141x3, 157.5x2 almost 3 but just felt dizzy and couldn't finish the lift

Power clean 95x3, 100x5, 120x3, 150x5, 170x3, 190x5

finished with 82.5 Press 5x10

Next week is deload week, I will take advantage of the rest to get rid of that crap that has been slowing me all week.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Workout Log Feb 7, 2013

Wendler cycle 2 week 3 deadlift
Still haven't fully recovered from the sore throat and number 3 (15 months) started a cold and kept waking up all night. I woke up every hour or two during the night so rest is still very bad. I also think that food intake is sub par because of the pain every time I swallow something.

But I feel physically stronger this morning. Ok I gave enough reasons on why my performance was average this morning :), let's get the results

155x5, 192.5x5, 230x3, 287.5x5, 326x3, 365x4
192.5 5x10

Then I was completly washed but went ahead with the following WOD
20 front squat at 205# (that was tough after the deadlift)
30 box jump 26" (started with around 30" but my legs just couldn't take it anymore)
40 KB swing 55#
50 45# thruster (was supposed to be wall ball but at -20C this morning didn't felt like opening the garage door to do my wall ball)

Took long break and all reps where broken in multiple smaller sets. 14:10. Not sure doing a WOD after the Wendler DL is a great idea. Heavy volume of DL sucks everything out. I weighted myself after the workout and was at 192#. I beleive it is mostly water, since I sweated a lot during the workout.

One final comment, I recommand knee wrap for those like me that have aging knees. Ever since I started using them my knees feel much better. Some say they can help you lift more because of the elastic effect they create around the knee. Personally I don't really care, I lift in my basement to stay in shape and lift heavier. As long as my lift keep increasing and my knees don't hurt, I am happy. In the grand scheme of thing what does it really change if I squat 420 with wrap vs 415 without. Anyway if things goes well I will be squating 420 without wrap next month anyway :).

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Workout log Feb 5, 2013

Wendler cycle 2 week 3 bench
95x5, 120x5, 145x3, 177.5x5, 202.5x3, 226x3

Weighted pullup
bwx3, bwx3, bwx3, bw+20x5, bw+47.5x3, bw+75 x3

Bench 5x10 at 120

Throath is horribly hurting, swallowing food is extremely painful. Since Sunday night, it's hard to get the proper food intake. I probably got a strep throat. It is also affecting my sleep as the pain wake me up every hour or so. Not the best conditions to follow a strength program right now.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Workout log Feb 4, 2013

Saturday Feb 2
30 pull up
30 deadlift 155
30 box jump 24"

finished in 18:40. This was tough. I didn't fell good the rest of the weekend, but it had nothing to do with this workout. I catch some kind of bug. Sunday afternoon I started shivering, with a sore throath mid afternoon on Sunday. Fever all night in the night between Sunday and Monday.

Guess what I did on Monday morning ?

Monday Feb 4, 2013 Wendler cycle 2 week 3 squat
155x5, 192.5x5, 230x3, 287.5x5, 326x3, 365x4  strange how strong I felt this morning even after the horrible night I had. Not yet an old PR but getting close (5RM PR is 372.5)

squat 192.5 5x10

finished with the following WOD
the Chief
5rnd of 3 min AMRAP
135 power clean x3
6push up
9 squat

take a min rest between rnd

legs were smoked from the heavy squat so air squat were the limiting factor on this one. It was good cause it prevented me from going too hard on the push up and limited the impact on tomorrow heavy bench

I did 4 rnd all across + 2 PC on the last round. Not the best day to work out but I have an addiction to training, we will see how I recover today.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Workout log Feb 1, 2013

Wendler cycle 2, week 2 Press
Press 65x5, 82.5x5, 100x3, 132.5x3, 141x3, 150x4

Power clean 95x3, 100x5, 120x3, 160x3, 170x3, 180x7

Press 5x10 83#

Looks like I started to heavy on the press, it will be interesting to see how it progress vs the DL. I will soon post a chart showing my estimated 1 RM from the max rep set in time vs my body weight. This will provide a visual indicator of my progression.