Monday, January 21, 2013

January 19-21, 2013 updates

January 19 - Fight gone really really bad
I started a cold this morning but that never stopped me in the past, so I decided to go ahead with my FGB plan. at -8C this morning that one was rough. I can't do the wall ball inside so I had to open the garage door to do them outside above the garage door. No glove, no hat and no sox in my new balance minimus. Also talking about wall ball, I use a basket ball filled with sand, which is slowly leaking. I used it last month for 150 wall ball for time (Karen if my memory is good) in 9:43

I know, at 39, I should know better. I went ahead with the workout, press for time cause my oldest son had a soccer practice at 9 in the morning.

Things started to get ugly pretty fast, during the first round my lungs where constantly grasping for air, troubled by the cold and the frigid oxygen coming in. Towards the end of the second round, I started feeling my hands and feet freeze. On the third round, I was sweating, my humid hand started to stick to the frozen olympic bar, like your tongue on a frozen pole. As I finished the workout, I rushed inside and crumbled on the floor, my hands and feet completly frozen. I quickly removed my shoes as they seems to exacerbates the problem. My old Nike Free were better to keep my feet warm even without sox.

I rushed inside to put my hands in the water and it hurted as the water started warming them. I heard that it was because the small ice cristal are slowly starting to move in your capilaries as they begin the melting process, not sure if it's true but it's not a pleasant sensation.

All this for a pathetic result of 234 (86+74+74). I used to get in the low 300 on that one.

Jan 21, 2013 second cycle Wendler first week squat
This morning I am coughing badly and I weight 193.5. Still I went ahead with my training
Backsquat 153x5, 192.5x5, 230x5, 288x5, 308x5, 326x6 dissapointing, in Nov last year I could have done 9
backsquat 5x10 @ 192.5 with 1m30 rest

Did Sunday WOD in 19:30,

Three rounds for time of:
35 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, 15 reps, right arm
15 GHD sit-ups
35 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, 15 reps, left arm
15 Toes to bar

I was grasping for air the entire workout. Had a bad cought for 15 minutes after the workout. I should probably up the food intake soon, because I am melting like butter on a hot frying pan.

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